Yet another piece of misinformation from you. Funny how the anti-vaxx stance has kept changing as each claim is debunked - now it's the "we dont know the longterm effects of the vaccine" that's being thrown around.
Let's set the record straight on some circulating myths about COVID-19 vaccines, prevention and treatment.
1)What does that link have to do with anything i have mentioned here, i haven't made any of these claims.
2)Never been Anti Vax, i am vaccinated and am Pro Vaccination, i am against mandates and the lack of transparency in the approval process along with the increased withholding of information or filtering of information online under the guise of "this is fake news we are the definers of what is suitable for your consumption"---let the readers determine that.
Also against QR codes in terms of the bigger picture not in relation to it's present use of tracking positives, that "may" offer a fear reason to keep it long term. Already the Govt is going to bring it back in---what is the point now with over 5000 positives a day.
3)FDA with over 40% of it's funding from the companies it regulates and to a lesser extent the TGA. Approval speeds correlate with increased funding is not a trusting environment that is for sure and we should have our doubts.(this funding model was implemented by the FDA to speed up approval of drugs for AIDS i recall)
I'm so sick of being labelled "Anti Vax" where not once have i stated this stance, i'm pro freedom of choice.
Yes after vaccination i now have issues with my sense of smell big time now for over 4 months, but i had these views beforehand. Yes i will accept this long term if taking the vaccine substantially improves my chances of survival so i am not as angered as you think but yeah it is not great.(never tested positive and i reduce my social activities during this time better than most)