I don't feel any vaccine should be made mandatory, if you decide to get the jab you improve your chances of survival and if you don't you reduce your chances unless you have a bad adverse reaction to the vaccine or there are long term issues in relation to cancers developing or heart issues etc.
I don't think the stats about the unvaccinated vs vaccinated spreading the Coronavirus in "some" instances are clearcut. Yes the unvaccinated are more likely to catch the virus, have worse symptoms and spread a stronger viral load, but at the same time asymptomatics both vaccinated and unvaccinated are spreading the disease unknowingly----how do you measure that data.(other than the at home family scenarios where there is more respect for each other)
Is there a case for saying the unvaccinated are more likely to show symptoms and isolate?, that the vaccinated less likely to isolate due to less obvious symptoms?
Yes the elderly are at greater risk even being vaccinated and the stronger pay load of the unvaccinated in the path of the elderly is a big concern, but this is case all the time especially during bad flu seasons, yes Covid is generally worse than the strongest flu(from my lifetime) but i wouldn't say it's magnitude of difference is sufficient enough to warrant mandatory vaccine measures.(i have no problem with mandatory mask wearing and distancing measures though along with people with flu or cold like symptoms isolating(more so than we have done in the past prior to Covid)
I'm not anti vax as i am vaccinated(and i still have my regrets being vaccinated) i am anti mandatory vaccines and anti mandatory QR codes.
I don't have a problem with vaccine certificates for "International" travel as this in varying degrees has always been the case for certain travels, but i'm against it locally.
Yeah not a fan in general of Donny's boring motivational rants, i'm more a motivate from within type but respect his decision to not be vaccinated.(if that is the case)
I felt forced to get the jab and know people in medical science who have not had the jab with well educated concerns in a variety of matters regarding the vaccine, it is always made out that the "unvaccinated" need to be "educated", well many of the vaccinated are not educated and just blindly took the jab also.