Maybe stop encroaching on every point on the planet because of overpopulation and then we may not have so many viruses jumping from animal to human?(maybe try not to eat every creature under the sun,but when you overpopulate you eat what you can find...)
Well luckily Bolsonaro is making short work of the Amazon so we seem to have that threat in hand.Interesting that the major outbreaks in Oz have been on the two most populous cities....I think the rapid spread in Europe is because so many people in such a small area living so closely together.(it is how viruses survive)
There will be more cross species viruses coming Al because we are moving into areas and populating that humans have not lived before,wonder what delights will come from the Amazon.....
Overpopulation causes you to eat stuff like bats because you either eat that stuff or starve and when you want it fresh you get the problem
Also Jeff Bezos (of the 'other Amazon' fame) is leading humanity toward the stars so there is hope for us yet (well not 'us', literally, but possibly some human life forms, probably the more affluent types).
Meanwhile full marks Joe for inventive thinking in bringing in this overpopulation angle. Can I ask where you got the idea? (Be honest now! Ideas don't spring out of thin air)