DCE works hard, competes, is really vested but due to other factors , IMO , most decisively , the 8 year contract there is lots missing
I have mentioned many times despite his big efforts , his shoulder has been missing from his defence for some time. His technique is unhelpful and could be linked
His headless chook is about one thing. not committing to a defender and virtually digging a hole to avoid hitting the line.
Never ever runs to line to kick .
Its a big 3 considering his standing, experience, position, leadership
There is something common here. Im not saying he is soft but he preserves himself , and i certainly suspect it has something to do with his run of games. His style is very jason taylor who also had a remarkable record . He is tough though, no doubt but playing within himself, not aerobicly but as a ball player
He is a tireless worker , tries hard , is really likeable and seems to be a great deputy , but he is a bit of a koala with that 8 year contract that hasnt allowed accountability.