We are becoming embarrassing, we are becoming the biggest joke in the comp, the easy beats, the club with no idea, what other club would even consider starting the year without a recognised 9, no cover for 1 and then stick solid with 1 from our last eleven, **** why not even reward those results, by upgrading our coaches contract, (what other clubs would do that, clubs usually do that in recognition of results, creating a winning culture, upside and the like) changes are only happening in our camp as a result of injury, poor form seems certain to be nurtured as a result of mis guided loyalty, (preform or be held accountable) our recruiting is inept, we are losing-releasing quality players, winning is a cultural thing and so to is losing, we need to change the cultural attitude at our club, it’s seriously wrong from the top all the way down it appears, based on the evidence of things. its hard to argue that Des‘s contract isn’t a disaster, (I can see how some view it with optimism) but his recent record is speaking for itself, 2019 aside its a f—king train wreck, where are the positives? where is the upside? I can’t see how Des is going to fix things, I hope he can and I hope I’m wrong, but on the evidence of things, it’s not looking good, I’d love to say we can go to the gong and turn things around this weekend, but honesty is holding me back, I will be watching the game and I will be riding with the side for a win, we did improve our effort against south’s (although it’s hard to read much into that as south’s were off and played like let’s just take the 2 and leave, rightfully so at this time of year) the Dragons on the other will be pumped and into us for the 2, we better find some self belief and match up, step up and compete, effort on effort for 80. I don’t think we will get the 2 and I will live with that is the effort is there and we are in the match, of course I want the win and I hope the boys can go out there and play like they want the win and win it. I’d like to think they get together before the game and say fuk this place and fuk our record here, lets own this ****, were not leaving this place without the 2 today, whatever it takes, we owe it to ourselves, our coach, our supporters, whatever it takes, amp up and stay amped for 80, bring the pride back awaken some mugrel and hunger, then back it up with guts and determination, think back to raiders game last year thats the type of effort and self belief that wins games, it can be done, let’s hope the boys find that formula and build on it, winning is infectious, so to is losing unfortunately, time to kick the habit and get that winning feeling going on again.