Well, thanks...I guess...

To be fair, you certainly gave as good as you got mate.
But in essence, what you said is true & correct. Forget that the player involved here is Liam Knight, and / or that his Dad posts. That wasn't the sentiment I was trying relay.
What I'm saying, is given the direct example of what happens when there is a publicly unhappy playing group (like we've had for 2 years), the media will destabilise, and use any unfavourable commentary to blow a situation up.
If a player states, "yeah, I'm talking to a number of clubs" that can be construed in many, many ways.
These players need to look at the sports in America (shocking, I know). I'm sure it's actually the player managers driving them a certain way, or demanding that they make a specific comment, but there is a lot more etiquette & privacy around things pertaining to commitment to the club that is currently paying their bills. Heck, it's also much nicer to the fans that get attached to them.
And I'm not naive enough to think that I'm sure people (Zorba - coughs*) share things with his buddies in the media, so I know there is issues there too.
Maybe I'm wrong, but every player, from Jamie Lyon, through to kids in SG Ball surely have to understand to be truly successful, you all have to be pulling in the same direction? A united force.
That's not telling people your looking around the opposition for potential destinations for your future career, surely?
That's why this off season has been such an absolute pleasure to experience. Comments by Lewis Brown, Brett Stewart, Jamie Lyon, Trbojevic (1 & 2) etc etc etc. Just feel united and that there is harmony again. Heck, there was an article about this in The Manly Daily only recently.
So I apologise
@Pappa Knight,
@Rex & others if that wasn't the message I was getting across. It's just that I almost walked away from the game as a whole after these past two years of disharmony. That kills a bloke.
As I've said, I hope Knight stays on and becomes the next Jason King for us ! True legend of the game in my books.