The court case is TODAY. Do you want the police to hide details? I'm sure there would have been press there today either way.
What I'm saying is that the Police could/should have charged him with these 'new' charges months ago when he previously appeared in court.
Nothing has changed. The allegations should still the same. There is only one accuser so what has changed in her account of the incident since the last court hearing to warrant these fresh charges? If it is not consistent with her initial allegations then the defence will pick her inconsistencies apart when they finally get their chance.
Because de Belin is a 'celebrity' the Police decide to concoct/announce new charges just to gain more media attention. Do you think a similar case of an unknown would attract such interest?
I worked as a journalist in Police Rounds for a major Sydney newspaper. Some of my then colleagues took jobs in the media department of the Police Force. I know how they attract positive publicity.
Good PR people will only release some of the story initially. When the coverage dies down then they can release something new and it re-ignites the coverage. Everybody thinks how wonderful the Police are relentlessly digging up new dirt on an accused.
All I'm saying is don't believe everything the Police say or what is reported until it gets to an actual court hearing when an accused can challenge the 'evidence' and mount a defence. Then you will gain an understanding of both sides of the story.
Currently the Police can allege anything and the accused is not allowed to respond.
PS: for those who didn't follow the Jon Jarret rape allegation; the jury found him not guilty after just 15 minutes. This was not only a miscarriage of justice it was a massive waste of resources and taxpayer funds - and it almost certainly would only ever happen to a 'celebrity'.