Not much detail on exactly what the two additional "rape" charges are. Indecent Assault and Sexual Assault?
Would this be common practice in these cases or the police wanting to ensure a conviction in case the aggravated charge doesn't stick?
@Sue or
@Bearfax could probably offer some insight.
Difficult to know. Maybe new evidence like his co accused turning on him re the events in question. From the evidence presented at the magistrates court at the initial hearing there were a number of sexual encounters involved over the evening.Cases like this where there are multiple defendants can get very ugly if one bloke thinks he is getting the blame for something the other bloke did.But it’s all just guessing. Could be other physical evidence has emerged.Who knows.
On another note for those who keep suggesting this is the greatest travesty of justice ever perpetrated. It’s getting pretty silly.Simple question.
Is there a single industry where an extremely highly paid high profile employee would not be stood down when faced with extremely serious criminal charges that could result in a jail term in excess of 10 years.?
The simple answer is NO. The absolute very best a person in his situation could expect in a workplace is stood down on full pay- which is EXACTLY what has happened.
Not sure why being a footballer makes him any different from any high profile person or indeed any person in any industry. Can you imagine a highly paid executive strolling around the office with three rape and assault charges hanging over his head. Im sure female employees would be overjoyed with that state of affairs. Great recipe for company morale. Look it just doesn’t happen. They get stood down or sacked. Simple as that.
So if JDB is a victim of an incredible miscarriage of justice then so has every person who has ever been in his position, and there have been plenty.The banking Royal Commission and the investigation into the illegal fixing of the BBSW rate and exchange rates are classic example and those alleged crimes are not in the same league as this.
I think the universal hatred of Greenberg is clouding the fact that this is exactly what would happen in any other industry in this country when the alleged crimes are of this magnitude.Not saying it’s right or wrong. Simply saying this is what actually happens and this point seems to be missed when discussing JDBs plight.
Toddy’s discretion for more minor offences is a very different issue but in this case this is STANDARD industry practice and in reality being on full pay is the very best he, or any other employee , could have possibly hoped for when faced with allegations of serious sex crimes.
Regardless of opinions on this rule in general I can assure people that this is what happens in cases like this and rightly or wrongly, this is how other employees in similar situations are treated; in fact many fare far far worse than full pay pending the trial.