I think age plays a very big factor in your views as well , those 60 and above on here were brought up in a very different era , but is that right and what’s happening with how kids are raised today now wrong ???
I also believe that the kids of today , to a certain extent , are either brainwashed or very influenced by what their being taught or what they read on Tik Tok or Instagram , whereas most of my views come from life experiences.
I rarely try and engage someone who is 20 in an argument for that very reason.
It doesn’t make them wrong , but it also does make me wrong because I’m older either.
And really I mainly comment on issues where I have life experiences.
Issues at heart with me is certainly Australia Day / Indigenous affairs and of course religion.
I would almost never argue about politics as let’s face it , if you are a Leftie no amount of arguing with change that, and if you’re in the Clive Palmer / Pauline Hanson brigade then arguing is even worse.
All I ask is that we respect each others views , and appreciate that they could be different.