Brookie Bob
"I come back to you now at the turn of the tide"
I'm going to pull you up on that one.As nearly everyone knows, a "Unite the Right" rally was held on 11 and 12 Aug 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA - where white nationalists protested the city’s decision to remove a statue of Robert E Lee, who had led the Confederate Army in the Civil War in defence of states rights to maintain slavery.
Robert E Lee was driven by a desire to defend his home state of Virginia, which even outweighed his allegiance to the USA.
"He was asked while leaving Texas by a lieutenant if he intended to fight for the Confederacy or the Union, to which Lee replied, "I shall never bear arms against the Union, but it may be necessary for me to carry a musket in the defense of my native state, Virginia, in which case I shall not prove recreant to my duty". " Freeman, Douglas S. (1934). R. E. Lee, A Biography. Charles Scribner's Sons.
His attitude to slavery: "In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country." Thomas, Emory M. (1997). Robert E. Lee. W. W. Norton & Co. ISBN 978-0-393-31631-5.