It’s the caped numb nuts flying in on his broom stick to save the day…
I am referring to mainly the do gooder Anglo’s marching in the streets.. If this is racism I am guilty as charged.
Trust you to use your dodgy paralegal skills ( yes someone told me you were a formerly a paralegal secretary in your working life… here you go again misframing facts like usual…
This is your retort? You call me a caped numbnut? hahaha aren't you the fellow who said less than an hour ago it wouldn't take much to run rings around someone intellectually?
You couldn’t lie straight in bed! You called me a liar for saying you supported anti-vaxxers so I reminded you by posting the exact place where you expressed your support in no uncertain terms. Did I get an apology? Nope, crickets.
I asked you a few weeks ago if you thought there were
very fine people on both sides and you dodged the issue. It was a fair question given your recent stated support of Donald Trump.
As nearly everyone knows, a "Unite the Right" rally was held on 11 and 12 Aug 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA - where white nationalists protested the city’s decision to remove a statue of Robert E Lee, who had led the Confederate Army in the Civil War in
defence of states rights to maintain slavery.
Rally participants chanted anti-Semitic, Nazi-associated phrases and clashed with counterprotesters.
Trump was even criticised for his “very fine people on both sides” comment by many Republicans, for failing to offer an unqualified condemnation of white supremacists and suggesting both sides were equal.
Just by coincidence, in our recent discussions whenever I’ve raised neo-Nazis and fascists you’ve consistently responded with the line that
both sides are just as bad.
You’re either a closet white supremacist or someone who is too timid to make a choice. If the latter was the case no problem, but it would then beg the question – if you aren’t ready to take a side, why do you type 1000s of words here putting your views?