Utility Player
Just thought I would tell you about an amusing incident that happend yesterday. The missus and I have recently bought a partnership in a corner store where I do the 5.30 to 7.00pm shift a few nights a week. Anyway a regular customer is a nice 40 ish blind lady with a guide dog. Yesterday when she was dropped off out the front of the store she let her dog out of the back of the car and was bending over saying goodbye to the driver when the guidedog jumped up and started humping her leg . When she entered the store a few minutes later I of course did not mention I had seen this happen. She went on to buy a few things and as she paid for them said she should get a student discount. As she said this one of our partners walked out from the back and said instead of a discount how about I give you a couple of chocolate frogs for your dog. To this she replyed no the dirty buggers just been humping my leg. As the subject was now in the open I asked her if after a few years service they bred ex guide dogs and she said that no they were fixed up early on and that her dog was about 5 years old. He final words as she left the shop were trust me to get stuck with a horny bastard.