Greta Thunberg

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Couple of quick points before you all go back to proposing sexual abuse as the punishment for teens worried about the state of the world we're leaving them stuck with...

1. the industrialised nations, in the course of becoming wealthy, have over the last 100 years or more produced by far the vast majority of the carbon emissions that are now ****ing our climate. Therefore there is a legitimate argument we should bear most of the reductions, and should allow developing countries such as India and China, who have only recently become major emission producers, a slightly larger window to adapt, as they have produced a relatively small amount of emissions to date
2. Greta did call out China, and was criticised by China for that (to the effect that she needs more education about point 1)
3. Australia is the 14th highest carbon emission producer in the world, and on a per capita basis is one of the highest, just behind Canada. China currently produces most, but on a per capita basis ranks about 41st because their population is so large.
4. the US, Japan, Australia and many Western European nations managed to 'outsource' more than half of their CO2 emissions and evade responsibility for their share of the climate-altering pollution, by exporting their production needs to developing countries.

Carry on
Genuine question - you do not believe in climate change science?
No they don't!
Still building some very large scale solar projects as well [ china ] and with cheap labor will continue to build more coal fired power stations going into the short term future at least .Think that the whole net zero issue is not always presented in the best context , really just trying to counter balance or replace, mitigate existing and on going various forms of emissions . [ not that you would be unaware ] Much will be governed by locations , much easier in greater Europe , nth America and certainly Australia to control emissions with the proper and realistic measures, going to be a bit more challenging in many parts of Asia and India , Africa . and the better off countries should be more then doing their bit [ and responsibility] Can see how it is going to be much better in India for example to be utilizing good quality coal [ from most likely Australia ] for power requirements instead of charcoal and firewood but also India is developing very large numbers of solar projects so they are all on the right track . Does some good things but can 't agree with Twiggy Forrest with his suggestion for no new coal mines in Australia, old ones have to be occasionally replaced just to meet the status quo . Quite a few mining companies already have some very large scale solar farms or intend to, right next or near some of their coal projects in Queensland at least . actually share a back boundary for a klm and a half with a major coal line and either occasionally see or hear the electric trains go by , close to 15 mil Aussie dollars in present coal values per train convoy[ [ thermal coal ,[ or more with the majority coking coal ] , many trains a day . and that won"t be changing any time soon . and again by the same token , a heap of solar , wind , hydro projects either under construction or planned just in Queensland , sure that the same will happen word wide [ or is ] Russia will be slow to respond with their dependence on gas and gas exports , china and India will be more measured but will make progress and the U S with possibly two terms of Democrat rule will make even more rapid progress , especially with electric cars and vehicles in general .
Al I'd like to read some of your posts but often can't bring myself to tackle them...I urge you to consider breaking them down into short paragraphs, one point per paragraph!

I suspect some of your wisdom is not getting through because people are scared off by a large block of text (which would be a shame)
No they don't!

Al I'd like to read some of your posts but often can't bring myself to tackle them...I urge you to consider breaking them down into short paragraphs, one point per paragraph!

I suspect some of your wisdom is not getting through because people are scared off by a large block of text (which would be a shame)
One area I struggle with is selective science

As an example if you believe in the Covid vac I do not understand why we do not believe the science behind climate change. As I get older I am more sure in the things I know...and what I do not know (and who I am willing to trust)
One area I struggle with is selective science

As an example if you believe in the Covid vac I do not understand why we do not believe the science behind climate change. As I get older I am more sure in the things I know...and what I do not know (and who I am willing to trust)
Say, that's a very good point. Hey, maybe it's like art?
"I don't know much about science, but I know what I like. And heck, I don't like what 97% of scientists say about this"
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Just think it’s sensible for the government to reassure farmers that they aren’t going to be closed down in some witch hunt.

My brothers out of stock ( ie sheep / cattle ) now , but apparently the Greens want us to limit methane and you know the only way to do that is ,

No steak
No Hamburgers
No Bacon and Eggs
No roast lamb
No chicken schnitzels

Oh Sorry , you can have them but they are only all plant based .

Oh but whoops , the Greenies want to shut farming down so you can’t have that as well .

Oh and fish , well you can’t have that either as you might hurt their feelings.

FMD, what has the world come to !!
Actually Mark, the way to reduce methane is to stop the many leaks in pipelines etc. But don't let a farting cow get in the way of a good story @;)
No they don't!

Al I'd like to read some of your posts but often can't bring myself to tackle them...I urge you to consider breaking them down into short paragraphs, one point per paragraph!

I suspect some of your wisdom is not getting through because people are scared off by a large block of text (which would be a shame)
Thanks for the tip , probably more like in my case just trying to be a bit too spontaneous and less attention to presentation . Really just my considered take on such topical things and not that wisdom related . Think with so many vested interests out there , big oil and energy companies in particular and then contaminated with so much ideology and political games , was always going to be a challenge to make real progress on what has actually been a long term issue now . Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House in the late seventies , Regan then pulled them all down , Margie Thatcher cited the climate problem is the eighties and was largely ignored , Seems to have been a recurring problem since in terms of addressing the matter in a measured way , One thing that i probably should have qualified in regard to coal is that some of Australia "s current customers for thermal coal have already said they are phasing it out , some other potential customers but could have a limited future in Australia . Actually noticed a story on Greta "s family today and her parents seem like quite decent and well adjusted people . Had a Scandinavian back ground on my mother "s side so quite partial to anyone from that part of the world who is doing something worth while to improve matters on a subject that i have always felt quite passionate about
so I must be transparent here. I've only been able to bring myself to read the first and last page in this thread. I may scratch my own eyes out if I read the 7 other pages I suspect.

There seems to be a lot of 'older men' on here with pretty strong views on climate change. Sure it's your right to not believe but at some point probably well after you've joined the big guy upstairs ( or the hottie down) your kids, grandkids and great-grandkids will be living in a very different world.

Climate change is a thing. It is real and science can prove it. not selective science ( like the type used by Trump and Scomo) but real factual science.

As a cameraman, I've been very lucky to shoot a lot on this subject. I've traveled to the North Pole to see Glaciers melt for the first time in 1000 years. I've seen first-hand Ice samples taken from deep drilling that shows how the CO2 has increased in the last 120 years.

I've filmed in the Maldives for a science-based program which showed they will be underwater in the next 25 years if things don't change.

I was in Germany for the floods that devastated areas in the summer. I've seen floods before but nothing like this.

I'm sorry facts are facts even if your life hasn't changed that much.

there are so many well-balanced views on here as well. yes China and India are big problems in the emission of Co2 and trust me I'm no fan of China but they are only catching up with what the west has done for 80 years.

I'm a big supporter of Nuclear power done right. technology has moved on from the old and we need to embrace the newish.

Wind and solar are a win win as well. Australia has so much land that could be used for solar farms its ludicrous to think we haven't done it.

Ive just come back from COP26 in Glasgow and yes it's a **** show. I'm not sure why 40000 people from around the world need to fly somewhere to talk ****e and enjoy a junket. but that appears to be the way the world has always worked so they ain't gunna change anytime soon.
so I must be transparent here. I've only been able to bring myself to read the first and last page in this thread. I may scratch my own eyes out if I read the 7 other pages I suspect.

There seems to be a lot of 'older men' on here with pretty strong views on climate change. Sure it's your right to not believe but at some point probably well after you've joined the big guy upstairs ( or the hottie down) your kids, grandkids and great-grandkids will be living in a very different world.

Climate change is a thing. It is real and science can prove it. not selective science ( like the type used by Trump and Scomo) but real factual science.

As a cameraman, I've been very lucky to shoot a lot on this subject. I've traveled to the North Pole to see Glaciers melt for the first time in 1000 years. I've seen first-hand Ice samples taken from deep drilling that shows how the CO2 has increased in the last 120 years.

I've filmed in the Maldives for a science-based program which showed they will be underwater in the next 25 years if things don't change.

I was in Germany for the floods that devastated areas in the summer. I've seen floods before but nothing like this.

I'm sorry facts are facts even if your life hasn't changed that much.

there are so many well-balanced views on here as well. yes China and India are big problems in the emission of Co2 and trust me I'm no fan of China but they are only catching up with what the west has done for 80 years.

I'm a big supporter of Nuclear power done right. technology has moved on from the old and we need to embrace the newish.

Wind and solar are a win win as well. Australia has so much land that could be used for solar farms its ludicrous to think we haven't done it.

Ive just come back from COP26 in Glasgow and yes it's a **** show. I'm not sure why 40000 people from around the world need to fly somewhere to talk ****e and enjoy a junket. but that appears to be the way the world has always worked so they ain't gunna change anytime soon.
oh and i don't really like Greta T very much at all.
so I must be transparent here. I've only been able to bring myself to read the first and last page in this thread. I may scratch my own eyes out if I read the 7 other pages I suspect.

There seems to be a lot of 'older men' on here with pretty strong views on climate change. Sure it's your right to not believe but at some point probably well after you've joined the big guy upstairs ( or the hottie down) your kids, grandkids and great-grandkids will be living in a very different world.

Climate change is a thing. It is real and science can prove it. not selective science ( like the type used by Trump and Scomo) but real factual science.

As a cameraman, I've been very lucky to shoot a lot on this subject. I've traveled to the North Pole to see Glaciers melt for the first time in 1000 years. I've seen first-hand Ice samples taken from deep drilling that shows how the CO2 has increased in the last 120 years.

I've filmed in the Maldives for a science-based program which showed they will be underwater in the next 25 years if things don't change.

I was in Germany for the floods that devastated areas in the summer. I've seen floods before but nothing like this.

I'm sorry facts are facts even if your life hasn't changed that much.

there are so many well-balanced views on here as well. yes China and India are big problems in the emission of Co2 and trust me I'm no fan of China but they are only catching up with what the west has done for 80 years.

I'm a big supporter of Nuclear power done right. technology has moved on from the old and we need to embrace the newish.

Wind and solar are a win win as well. Australia has so much land that could be used for solar farms its ludicrous to think we haven't done it.

Ive just come back from COP26 in Glasgow and yes it's a **** show. I'm not sure why 40000 people from around the world need to fly somewhere to talk ****e and enjoy a junket. but that appears to be the way the world has always worked so they ain't gunna change anytime soon.
I was in the Maldives for work ( retired travel agent ) in the 80’s and back then they had 10 years to go until they were flooded with seawater.

So almost 40 years later it seems like they have 25 years now, wow , I wonder in 25 years will they have another 10 years??

And funny , but I bet if the UN give them 10 billion to fix the problem it’ll go away.

As to being an old man with an opinion , I take it your a young man with an opinion , so we really aren’t that much different really.
By the way , I’m not trying to start an argument with you just acknowledging that you have an opinion and so do I , and both should be allowed.
totally agree. opinions are all good but what I'm saying is at some point fact has to outweigh opinion. I will respect most opinions unless it's just completely unsubstantiated TRUMP style BS. Science is pretty good when it comes to facts.

I'm my opinion something is happening to the climate. its getting hotter and the seasons are changing, its flooding in areas its never flooded. the list goes on.

I'm sitting here in London, its the 5th November, and the trees mostly still haven't dropped their leaves. its was like this last year as well. going back even 5 years it was bare as a nuns nasty come November so something is changing. is it man-made? well, the facts all point towards it so that's a pretty good place to start.
One area I struggle with is selective science

As an example if you believe in the Covid vac I do not understand why we do not believe the science behind climate change. As I get older I am more sure in the things I know...and what I do not know (and who I am willing to trust)
I have no problem with science. In fact, science has proven beyond any doubt that life as we know it could not have occurred randomly. To believe otherwise is to put one's faith in an endless stream of mathematical impossibilities.

It's the people behind specific "sciences" that I have a problem with. Men and women who have been caught lying to line their own pockets. Corrupt politicians who get slapped over the wrist, and the systematic erasure of any opinion that challenges their own for the "betterment" of humanity.
I have no problem with science. In fact, science has proven beyond any doubt that life as we know it could not have occurred randomly. To believe otherwise is to put one's faith in an endless stream of mathematical impossibilities.

It's the people behind specific "sciences" that I have a problem with. Men and women who have been caught lying to line their own pockets. Corrupt politicians who get slapped over the wrist, and the systematic erasure of any opinion that challenges their own for the "betterment" of humanity.
For sure that is why there is consensus etc

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