Couple of quick points before you all go back to proposing sexual abuse as the punishment for teens worried about the state of the world we're leaving them stuck with...
1. the industrialised nations, in the course of becoming wealthy, have over the last 100 years or more produced by far the vast majority of the carbon emissions that are now ****ing our climate. Therefore there is a legitimate argument we should bear most of the reductions, and should allow developing countries such as India and China, who have only recently become major emission producers, a slightly larger window to adapt, as they have produced a relatively small amount of emissions to date
2. Greta did call out China, and was criticised by China for that (to the effect that she needs more education about point 1)
3. Australia is the 14th highest carbon emission producer in the world, and on a per capita basis is one of the highest, just behind Canada. China currently produces most, but on a per capita basis ranks about 41st because their population is so large.
4. the US, Japan, Australia and many Western European nations managed to 'outsource' more than half of their CO2 emissions and evade responsibility for their share of the climate-altering pollution, by exporting their production needs to developing countries.
Carry on