Greta Thunberg

Otherwise the electric one powered by all those coal fired power stations as sure as **** those big wind generators are a waste of time.
As I posted previously in reply to one of your questions the verticle axis windmills could be a game changer as they handle high winds from any direction and the generator can be at ground level, so cheap maintenance.
What is happening is coal is being phased out, renewable is simply cheaper.
Otherwise the electric one powered by all those coal fired power stations as sure as **** those big wind generators are a waste of time.

.... and yet .. China, where nearly 80% of the world's solar panels are made are building another 30 or so coal powered stations ..perhaps somebody should tell those dumb Chinese that solar is cheaper and better ...
.... and yet .. China, where nearly 80% of the world's solar panels are made are building another 30 or so coal powered stations ..perhaps somebody should tell those dumb Chinese that solar is cheaper and better ...

Solar is the way to go .

download (8).jpg
.... and yet .. China, where nearly 80% of the world's solar panels are made are building another 30 or so coal powered stations ..perhaps somebody should tell those dumb Chinese that solar is cheaper and better ...
Still building some very large scale solar projects as well [ china ] and with cheap labor will continue to build more coal fired power stations going into the short term future at least .Think that the whole net zero issue is not always presented in the best context , really just trying to counter balance or replace, mitigate existing and on going various forms of emissions . [ not that you would be unaware ] Much will be governed by locations , much easier in greater Europe , nth America and certainly Australia to control emissions with the proper and realistic measures, going to be a bit more challenging in many parts of Asia and India , Africa . and the better off countries should be more then doing their bit [ and responsibility] Can see how it is going to be much better in India for example to be utilizing good quality coal [ from most likely Australia ] for power requirements instead of charcoal and firewood but also India is developing very large numbers of solar projects so they are all on the right track . Does some good things but can 't agree with Twiggy Forrest with his suggestion for no new coal mines in Australia, old ones have to be occasionally replaced just to meet the status quo . Quite a few mining companies already have some very large scale solar farms or intend to, right next or near some of their coal projects in Queensland at least . actually share a back boundary for a klm and a half with a major coal line and either occasionally see or hear the electric trains go by , close to 15 mil Aussie dollars in present coal values per train convoy[ [ thermal coal ,[ or more with the majority coking coal ] , many trains a day . and that won"t be changing any time soon . and again by the same token , a heap of solar , wind , hydro projects either under construction or planned just in Queensland , sure that the same will happen word wide [ or is ] Russia will be slow to respond with their dependence on gas and gas exports , china and India will be more measured but will make progress and the U S with possibly two terms of Democrat rule will make even more rapid progress , especially with electric cars and vehicles in general .
Think that if she was promoting solar panels at Glasgow , might have even woken [ hope that that is not taken out of context ] Joe Biden up . [ personally think that Joe is one of the good guys actually
I was sold on solar and soon as I saw her

feathered friend
Still building some very large scale solar projects as well [ china ] and with cheap labor will continue to build more coal fired power stations going into the short term future at least .Think that the whole net zero issue is not always presented in the best context , really just trying to counter balance or replace, mitigate existing and on going various forms of emissions . [ not that you would be unaware ] Much will be governed by locations , much easier in greater Europe , nth America and certainly Australia to control emissions with the proper and realistic measures, going to be a bit more challenging in many parts of Asia and India , Africa . and the better off countries should be more then doing their bit [ and responsibility] Can see how it is going to be much better in India for example to be utilizing good quality coal [ from most likely Australia ] for power requirements instead of charcoal and firewood but also India is developing very large numbers of solar projects so they are all on the right track . Does some good things but can 't agree with Twiggy Forrest with his suggestion for no new coal mines in Australia, old ones have to be occasionally replaced just to meet the status quo . Quite a few mining companies already have some very large scale solar farms or intend to, right next or near some of their coal projects in Queensland at least . actually share a back boundary for a klm and a half with a major coal line and either occasionally see or hear the electric trains go by , close to 15 mil Aussie dollars in present coal values per train convoy[ [ thermal coal ,[ or more with the majority coking coal ] , many trains a day . and that won"t be changing any time soon . and again by the same token , a heap of solar , wind , hydro projects either under construction or planned just in Queensland , sure that the same will happen word wide [ or is ] Russia will be slow to respond with their dependence on gas and gas exports , china and India will be more measured but will make progress and the U S with possibly two terms of Democrat rule will make even more rapid progress , especially with electric cars and vehicles in general .
Fair comments.

It’s why I quite like the current governments idea of achieving “ net zero “ without ****ing too much with resources / agriculture.

I come from a very old long standing farming family and I know they are wondering what the future will hold for them ( how the **** people expect to eat without farmers is beyond me but the Greens would close them down on a heartbeat and return the land to the feral cats and pigs if they could ).

Increased solar , I’m not sure on wind , and new technology is the way to go but keeping for the moment coal for peak load.

Nuclear is in my opinion the way to go but it appears the Greenies hate that as well!!
Well Greta is paddling back to her bunker as we speak so this ends my rant.

And to think all I got was a “ blah blah “, pretty disappointing really.

Actually the whole Glasgow deal was a bit of a wank wasn’t it , once Russia and China didn’t turn up it was all a bit of a waste of time and money.

Oh , except the pacific nations weaselled another 500 million from us.
Still building some very large scale solar projects as well [ china ] and with cheap labor will continue to build more coal fired power stations going into the short term future at least .Think that the whole net zero issue is not always presented in the best context , really just trying to counter balance or replace, mitigate existing and on going various forms of emissions . [ not that you would be unaware ] Much will be governed by locations , much easier in greater Europe , nth America and certainly Australia to control emissions with the proper and realistic measures, going to be a bit more challenging in many parts of Asia and India , Africa . and the better off countries should be more then doing their bit [ and responsibility] Can see how it is going to be much better in India for example to be utilizing good quality coal [ from most likely Australia ] for power requirements instead of charcoal and firewood but also India is developing very large numbers of solar projects so they are all on the right track . Does some good things but can 't agree with Twiggy Forrest with his suggestion for no new coal mines in Australia, old ones have to be occasionally replaced just to meet the status quo . Quite a few mining companies already have some very large scale solar farms or intend to, right next or near some of their coal projects in Queensland at least . actually share a back boundary for a klm and a half with a major coal line and either occasionally see or hear the electric trains go by , close to 15 mil Aussie dollars in present coal values per train convoy[ [ thermal coal ,[ or more with the majority coking coal ] , many trains a day . and that won"t be changing any time soon . and again by the same token , a heap of solar , wind , hydro projects either under construction or planned just in Queensland , sure that the same will happen word wide [ or is ] Russia will be slow to respond with their dependence on gas and gas exports , china and India will be more measured but will make progress and the U S with possibly two terms of Democrat rule will make even more rapid progress , especially with electric cars and vehicles in general .
sorry , my bad should have put a dot between the 1 and 5 for coal value , actually around 1 . 5 mil per trip but still very significant value .
Fair comments.

It’s why I quite like the current governments idea of achieving “ net zero “ without ****ing too much with resources / agriculture.

I come from a very old long standing farming family and I know they are wondering what the future will hold for them ( how the **** people expect to eat without farmers is beyond me but the Greens would close them down on a heartbeat and return the land to the feral cats and pigs if they could ).

Increased solar , I’m not sure on wind , and new technology is the way to go but keeping for the moment coal for peak load.

Nuclear is in my opinion the way to go but it appears the Greenies hate that as well!!
always respect yours and others forth right comments on such topics and whether i or others necessarily agree on all points is really of minor concern , A bit sad really that in many instances with a topic like climate policy and not only here, that it just at the margins with most measures needed to get something worthwhile going . Australia is fortunate in that most of the scientific and practical measures needed or recommended are going to have bugger all effect on farming operation or resource activity in particular with the off sets easily on offer . Greens are just primarily a pressure group who just can "t seem to sensibly compromise, no doubt some good intentions but just won"t accept anything away form their puritan outlook on most things environment based . Nuclear 20 or 30 years ago might have been a goer but time has passed now i think .
always respect yours and others forth right comments on such topics and whether i or others necessarily agree on all points is really of minor concern , A bit sad really that in many instances with a topic like climate policy and not only here, that it just at the margins with most measures needed to get something worthwhile going . Australia is fortunate in that most of the scientific and practical measures needed or recommended are going to have bugger all effect on farming operation or resource activity in particular with the off sets easily on offer . Greens are just primarily a pressure group who just can "t seem to sensibly compromise, no doubt some good intentions but just won"t accept anything away form their puritan outlook on most things environment based . Nuclear 20 or 30 years ago might have been a goer but time has passed now i think .
Just think it’s sensible for the government to reassure farmers that they aren’t going to be closed down in some witch hunt.

My brothers out of stock ( ie sheep / cattle ) now , but apparently the Greens want us to limit methane and you know the only way to do that is ,

No steak
No Hamburgers
No Bacon and Eggs
No roast lamb
No chicken schnitzels

Oh Sorry , you can have them but they are only all plant based .

Oh but whoops , the Greenies want to shut farming down so you can’t have that as well .

Oh and fish , well you can’t have that either as you might hurt their feelings.

FMD, what has the world come to !!
Fair comments.

It’s why I quite like the current governments idea of achieving “ net zero “ without ****ing too much with resources / agriculture.

I come from a very old long standing farming family and I know they are wondering what the future will hold for them ( how the **** people expect to eat without farmers is beyond me but the Greens would close them down on a heartbeat and return the land to the feral cats and pigs if they could ).

Increased solar , I’m not sure on wind , and new technology is the way to go but keeping for the moment coal for peak load.

Nuclear is in my opinion the way to go but it appears the Greenies hate that as well!!
Phuck all the greenies and the loony left boo hooing about the cost to the environment of the food that they eat thanks to our farmers who now apart from the weather ,input prices,feral pests ,weeds, greenies ,animal activists ,unfriendly political parties now have to contend with this net zero BS .Reality check --where do they think the food will come from without a few emissions and without farmers and what are we going to eat ?
Are we going to subcontract out our food requirements to generous and benevolent China like we sub contract everything else ? As all this crap will lead to us either putting acres of solar panels and wind farms over agricultural land or leaving agricultural land to the rats and feral pigs to get carbon credits so the likes of Malcolm Turnbull and is slithering son can make a few more dollars while pleading that by making those millions for themselves are saving the planet !!! unbelievable
Like wake up people this has little to do with " saving " the planet and more to do with wealth transfer from the West to the East except for the few elites in the middle i.e your garden variety bleeding heart billionaire like Forest ,Al Gore etc and wannabe's like Turnbull and his son clipping the ticket on the way .
The COP 26 has proven what a hypocritical waste of time and effort this whole event was ,30,000 people,that's right 30,000 flying into Glasgow mostly on private jets to plead their case for the planet ,its just laughable ,does anyone see the irony here ?? so much hot air and bleeding heart BS for NIL , that's right zero result .

China while burning our coal and building more and bigger coal fired power stations amongst a spattering of token solar farms just gave the whole thing a giant FU by saying that they wont be doing anything anytime soon and extended out thier commitments till 2060 ? Ji Jing Ping will be just a head on a stick sitting with Walt Disney in the cryo vac by then . Then India doubled down on that and made their time to maybe ,possibly ,perhaps ,peruse or look at it to 2070
The triumphant failure of the whole thing is that sleeping senile old fool Biden can't promise anything because congress won't let him,not that he would remember what they let him do or say in any case !!

And then there is poor little Australia responsible for 1.1% of something that is 0.04% of the earths atmosphere being bullied into throwing itself on the sacrificial alter of the greatest rort since the great tulip scandal of the 1600 's and ruin our farming sector ,denude our economy of any semblance of incentive and pauperize low income earners who wont be able to afford power .
All the while not taking into account the one thing that , can provide base load i.e reasonable cost high energy where and when it is needed (solar,wind and batteries (don't get me started) cannot do that ) and that is nuclear .Which is well and truly the most environmentally kind thing you can do,if that is what you are concerned with .But the greenies don't want to do that because that gets away from their agenda of wealth transfer and the building up of the ruling class that live in splendor while the rest of us they will be happy to see live in caves and go without meat. Well **** that and **** them I say!!
We pay high wages our only advantage other than resources is relatively cheap and reliable energy (at the moment) ,and while on resources we are doing our best to squander them e.g decreasing farm land,not mining coal ,not making the most of our uranium and encouraging dependence on the state .
You cannot get base load from wind panels and solar ,China knows it, India knows it , they all know it ,for some reason we are trying to ignore it.

God help us
Phuck all the greenies and the loony left boo hooing about the cost to the environment of the food that they eat thanks to our farmers who now apart from the weather ,input prices,feral pests ,weeds, greenies ,animal activists ,unfriendly political parties now have to contend with this net zero BS .Reality check --where do they think the food will come from without a few emissions and without farmers and what are we going to eat ?
Are we going to subcontract out our food requirements to generous and benevolent China like we sub contract everything else ? As all this crap will lead to us either putting acres of solar panels and wind farms over agricultural land or leaving agricultural land to the rats and feral pigs to get carbon credits so the likes of Malcolm Turnbull and is slithering son can make a few more dollars while pleading that by making those millions for themselves are saving the planet !!! unbelievable
Like wake up people this has little to do with " saving " the planet and more to do with wealth transfer from the West to the East except for the few elites in the middle i.e your garden variety bleeding heart billionaire like Forest ,Al Gore etc and wannabe's like Turnbull and his son clipping the ticket on the way .
The COP 26 has proven what a hypocritical waste of time and effort this whole event was ,30,000 people,that's right 30,000 flying into Glasgow mostly on private jets to plead their case for the planet ,its just laughable ,does anyone see the irony here ?? so much hot air and bleeding heart BS for NIL , that's right zero result .

China while burning our coal and building more and bigger coal fired power stations amongst a spattering of token solar farms just gave the whole thing a giant FU by saying that they wont be doing anything anytime soon and extended out thier commitments till 2060 ? Ji Jing Ping will be just a head on a stick sitting with Walt Disney in the cryo vac by then . Then India doubled down on that and made their time to maybe ,possibly ,perhaps ,peruse or look at it to 2070
The triumphant failure of the whole thing is that sleeping senile old fool Biden can't promise anything because congress won't let him,not that he would remember what they let him do or say in any case !!

And then there is poor little Australia responsible for 1.1% of something that is 0.04% of the earths atmosphere being bullied into throwing itself on the sacrificial alter of the greatest rort since the great tulip scandal of the 1600 's and ruin our farming sector ,denude our economy of any semblance of incentive and pauperize low income earners who wont be able to afford power .
All the while not taking into account the one thing that , can provide base load i.e reasonable cost high energy where and when it is needed (solar,wind and batteries (don't get me started) cannot do that ) and that is nuclear .Which is well and truly the most environmentally kind thing you can do,if that is what you are concerned with .But the greenies don't want to do that because that gets away from their agenda of wealth transfer and the building up of the ruling class that live in splendor while the rest of us they will be happy to see live in caves and go without meat. Well ** that and ** them I say!!
We pay high wages our only advantage other than resources is relatively cheap and reliable energy (at the moment) ,and while on resources we are doing our best to squander them e.g decreasing farm land,not mining coal ,not making the most of our uranium and encouraging dependence on the state .
You cannot get base load from wind panels and solar ,China knows it, India knows it , they all know it ,for some reason we are trying to ignore it.

God help us

.. and you can follow that money trail all the way back to the UN .. who are in a bidding war with China for votes from the piss-ant Nations .. you want to be Chief of the WHO no worries .. you want a seat on the Security Council .. no worries ..

If ever there was a more useless failed organisation than the UN .. history hasn't recorded it .
Phuck all the greenies and the loony left boo hooing about the cost to the environment of the food that they eat thanks to our farmers who now apart from the weather ,input prices,feral pests ,weeds, greenies ,animal activists ,unfriendly political parties now have to contend with this net zero BS .Reality check --where do they think the food will come from without a few emissions and without farmers and what are we going to eat ?
Are we going to subcontract out our food requirements to generous and benevolent China like we sub contract everything else ? As all this crap will lead to us either putting acres of solar panels and wind farms over agricultural land or leaving agricultural land to the rats and feral pigs to get carbon credits so the likes of Malcolm Turnbull and is slithering son can make a few more dollars while pleading that by making those millions for themselves are saving the planet !!! unbelievable
Like wake up people this has little to do with " saving " the planet and more to do with wealth transfer from the West to the East except for the few elites in the middle i.e your garden variety bleeding heart billionaire like Forest ,Al Gore etc and wannabe's like Turnbull and his son clipping the ticket on the way .
The COP 26 has proven what a hypocritical waste of time and effort this whole event was ,30,000 people,that's right 30,000 flying into Glasgow mostly on private jets to plead their case for the planet ,its just laughable ,does anyone see the irony here ?? so much hot air and bleeding heart BS for NIL , that's right zero result .

China while burning our coal and building more and bigger coal fired power stations amongst a spattering of token solar farms just gave the whole thing a giant FU by saying that they wont be doing anything anytime soon and extended out thier commitments till 2060 ? Ji Jing Ping will be just a head on a stick sitting with Walt Disney in the cryo vac by then . Then India doubled down on that and made their time to maybe ,possibly ,perhaps ,peruse or look at it to 2070
The triumphant failure of the whole thing is that sleeping senile old fool Biden can't promise anything because congress won't let him,not that he would remember what they let him do or say in any case !!

And then there is poor little Australia responsible for 1.1% of something that is 0.04% of the earths atmosphere being bullied into throwing itself on the sacrificial alter of the greatest rort since the great tulip scandal of the 1600 's and ruin our farming sector ,denude our economy of any semblance of incentive and pauperize low income earners who wont be able to afford power .
All the while not taking into account the one thing that , can provide base load i.e reasonable cost high energy where and when it is needed (solar,wind and batteries (don't get me started) cannot do that ) and that is nuclear .Which is well and truly the most environmentally kind thing you can do,if that is what you are concerned with .But the greenies don't want to do that because that gets away from their agenda of wealth transfer and the building up of the ruling class that live in splendor while the rest of us they will be happy to see live in caves and go without meat. Well ** that and ** them I say!!
We pay high wages our only advantage other than resources is relatively cheap and reliable energy (at the moment) ,and while on resources we are doing our best to squander them e.g decreasing farm land,not mining coal ,not making the most of our uranium and encouraging dependence on the state .
You cannot get base load from wind panels and solar ,China knows it, India knows it , they all know it ,for some reason we are trying to ignore it.

God help us
That was long , very long , but very much on the money.

This whole thing is one giant money making scheme for a few , and the few that don’t make it want gazillions thrown at their little piss ant country for their vote that ensures the few make staggering amounts of money, still make it.

Al Gore made hundreds of millions out of telling us the earth was going to freeze over, years later we are told it going to boil over.

As I’ve said before , 151 years of recording the weather on the farm I used to live on shows **** all change.

The average summer temperature in 1890 was 38 and the average summer temperature in 2020 was 38.8 but back in 1890 they measured in Fahrenheit and there was never 97.5 degrees it was just 97 or 98. These days my nephew has an automated system that measures it to the exact temp.

So as as I say absolutely **** all done deference in 150 years
Ive just read a SMH article ( I don’t subscribe but they let you read one or two ) by a reporter attending this meeting in Glasgow.

There were 30,000 in attendance

Most flew in by private jet.

He described them as largely “ rent a crowd “.

And the whole thing achieved almost nothing.

AND, to think people are up in arms about our PM not attending.
Ive just read a SMH article ( I don’t subscribe but they let you read one or two ) by a reporter attending this meeting in Glasgow.

There were 30,000 in attendance

Most flew in by private jet.

He described them as largely “ rent a crowd “.

And the whole thing achieved almost nothing.

AND, to think people are up in arms about our PM not attending.
MFB those 30000 all flying in via private jet to "save the planet" as I said on my "long" but hopefully informative post , the hypocrisy so blatant and the irony is so thick..... you could carve it .
Surely even the true believers of this over hyped religion can see that

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