No argument from me, personally I am unconvinced about the issue at hand - this despite being exposed to people who are diagnosed as suffering from depression.I don't like debating to cause arguments but express my views in the same hope I can change one persons mindset around for the better.
Some/Most people believe being open and supportive of the belief in depression will save lives in the same way I feel awakening people to a different view might save a life.
My beliefs are based on personal research, discussion with multiple sources both "alternative" and "conventional" (up to and including a high placed CSIRO scientist) and personal experience.
I used to frequent a well known running website and debated this very topic several times, but what I found was it was a futile discussion as debating on forums is based largely on "I am right you are wrong" for the majority of people. However the same discussion face to face was usually far more productive as most people lost the urge for the aggressive put down response and focused on the topic at hand.