Regrettably trials often take up to a few years. Unavoidable, given the legal processes involved. But the courts have a process of determining risk and probability of guilt when bail applications are determined. The individual still is deemed innocent, but the courts should always be the only institution that determines what action needs to be taken in the interim before trial.
Unfortunately elements of the press, especially the Murdock group, have a propensity for not only reporting the news (which is what they are there for) but also through clever wording implying judgements that it is not their right to make. Many times they get caught out and end up paying compensation for inappropriate commentary. Means nothing to them because they'll make their money off the next story. Unfortunately a gullible public are constantly influenced by this manipulation and we get an almost witch hunt like reaction, petitions and of course sponsors get worried as does the NRL administrators.
Some elements of the Media constantly try to control public perception. The Murdock press is doing that just now against the ABC, trying to influence government policy and budgeting. Its an insidious behaviour that I believe is also causing the knee jerk reactions of the NRL in relation to the No Fault policy. Thing is we must accept that the court is the only authority that should be dealing with these matters and its their determination regarding probability of guilt that influences bail proceedings. No other authority should have any involvement in these matters, otherwise the principle upon which our society is founded is being attacked. Regrettably I think also the courts at times run scared of detrimental reporting and end up being adversely influenced in their judgment on occasions. Welcome to the world of manipulation.