Seems very little effort was made by NRL (and Manly) to educate players and explain the reason flu shots are necessary. Judging from Walker's instagram comment, he's talking about his purported right to look after his own health his way - whereas I assumed the whole point was that it's not just about the players' health but rather to reduce risk to the wider community? ? Makes me think no-one has even explained it to him
Certainly there was nothing I saw in the NSW health ministers comments that explained that point, he simply made a little rant about anti-vaxers, which to my mind is not helpful. This is not about measles, polio or smallpox. Flu shots are not mandatory for the general populace (in fact, the players are not even among various groups recommended by the govt to have the flu shot).
Pity the NRL forgot to sort stuff like this out with the players before telling the govt and tv, 'Yep we're good to go'.