climate change

I think for the correct answer to all this you only have to “ follow the money “.

There’s a lot of VERY rich people in the world making an absolute killing out of this.

Why do think Simon Holmes a Court funds the Teals ???

Because he loves the girls for their stance , because he thinks they can do a great job ?? , because he’s just a kind benefactor ???

If , at the next election , the Teals control the balance of power , every cent he has spent will be delivered 10 fold , directly to his bank account.

Why are the grifter Pacific nations all asking for more money to fight Climate Change ??

Not because they need it , because of the graft & corruption that will send tens of millions to the bank accounts of their politicians.

My family have been farming in north west NSW for 155 years , my great grandfather arrived in 1870.

Luckily the family has the records for rain , droughts , floods and temperatures going back all that time.

The early records are very basic , rainfall records and mentions of temperatures plus notations for droughts / floods.

As we get into the 1900’s the reporting is more thorough , but still a little basic.

From the mid 1900’s the reporting is far more involved , my father was an avid weather recorder.

My brother now farms , and he’s had done a spreadsheet of the weather , mainly rainfall and temperatures, fur all that time.

What it shows is this.

The weather is cyclical , it’s up and down like a brides nighty. There are wet periods that go for years , always followed by dry periods that go for years.

The temperatures in 1870, 1930, 1980 & currently ( that’s 50 year gaps ) are almost identical , the hottest temp in 1870 was 114 degrees Fahrenheit , the hottest temperature in 2024, 45 degrees Celsius.

The wettest year in the 1800’s 32 inches , the driest , 5. In the 2000’s the wettest year 30 inches , the driest 7.

Am I a climate change denier , in some ways yes , do I think the climate is changing , yes , do I think a ****load of money will fix it , no.

Just 25 years ago Al Gore was predicting the next ice age.

Now he’s predicting Armageddon due to heat.

Has Al Gore made any money from his spewing predictions.


Follow the money !!
I'd like a source for that quote Mark
I like to keep it pretty simple.

You can not say the way we live modern life (in terms of consumption and how we produce goods) does not have an impact on the environment.
I'd like a source for that quote Mark
May not have been him , but check this link out , lots have been predicting disaster after disaster since the 1970’s

By the way I don’t think any of Gore’s disaster theories have happened, but could be wrong

May not have been him , but check this link out , lots have been predicting disaster after disaster since the 1970’s

By the way I don’t think any of Gore’s disaster theories have happened, but could be wrong

Mark you make a pretty wild statement that Gore states we are heading for an ice age when all he has ever said is that we are adding to global warming - I dont agree with all he has said but I think his general opinion (that we are negligently adding to global warming), is sound.
The piece you added the link to is an Opinion Piece in a Farm/Ag publication of a not for profit group that states in its own 'About us' page that amongst other things
"We write and commission research papers every year on policy issues ranging from agriculture’s role in fighting climate change to the impact of stagnant U.S. public funding for agricultural research. We build on this research through speaking events, op-eds, coalitions with industry leaders, and more.

It appears they aren't climate change deniers but that some of their contributors are.
Everyone is entitled to opinions about everything, especially on a footy forum, but for anyone interested in the science here's a (mostly) easy-to-read Q & A on climate change by the Science Academy

Mark you make a pretty wild statement that Gore states we are heading for an ice age when all he has ever said is that we are adding to global warming - I dont agree with all he has said but I think his general opinion (that we are negligently adding to global warming), is sound.
The piece you added the link to is an Opinion Piece in a Farm/Ag publication of a not for profit group that states in its own 'About us' page that amongst other things
"We write and commission research papers every year on policy issues ranging from agriculture’s role in fighting climate change to the impact of stagnant U.S. public funding for agricultural research. We build on this research through speaking events, op-eds, coalitions with industry leaders, and more.

It appears they aren't climate change deniers but that some of their contributors are.
I may have got his comment wrong , and for that I apologise BUT, research all his wild accusations and tell me how many have come to fruition.

That’s just one article , there’s dozens.

My point stands, follow the money!!

Why is Simon Holmes a Court funding the Teals ??

Is he just a good bloke ???

Don’t worry you don’t have to research , he’s hugely invested in renewables , and the more hysteria , the more money he makes, his wet dream will be the next election when his witches get the balance of power.

Call me a climate denier , a wanker , I don’t really care but I’m convinced much of this is a giant con for the elite to make billions & billions and for us poor everyday people to pay , and pay **** loads more every year.
I may have got his comment wrong , and for that I apologise BUT, research all his wild accusations and tell me how many have come to fruition.

That’s just one article , there’s dozens.

My point stands, follow the money!!

Why is Simon Holmes a Court funding the Teals ??

Is he just a good bloke ???

Don’t worry you don’t have to research , he’s hugely invested in renewables , and the more hysteria , the more money he makes, his wet dream will be the next election when his witches get the balance of power.

Call me a climate denier , a wanker , I don’t really care but I’m convinced much of this is a giant con for the elite to make billions & billions and for us poor everyday people to pay , and pay **** loads more every year.
Not calling you anything Mark but I reiterate there is a lot of misinformation out there ... being a reired scientist I believe in science not media beat ups .... if you really follow the money trails they invariably end up with the fossil fuel oligarchs, worldwide.
if you really follow the money trails they invariably end up with the fossil fuel oligarchs, worldwide.
You probably already knew this, but I just read that a report by the International Monetary Fund in 2023 estimated that Australia subsidizes fossil fuels by approximately $11 billion annually (direct and indirect combined). Over the decades, this figure amounts to tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded support.

(If you missed it... that is $11 billion ... annually. Courtesy of Mark and anyone else around here who pays taxes) 😡@:mad:

And credit to you for your work in the field of science, such an important endeavour for humanity and the world (although I might be wrong you guys also invented the atomic bomb) @:D😱
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You probably already knew this, but I just read that a report by the International Monetary Fund in 2023 estimated that Australia subsidizes fossil fuels by approximately $11 billion annually (direct and indirect combined). Over the decades, this figure amounts to tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded support.

(If you missed it... that is $11 billion ... annually. Courtesy of Mark and anyone else around here who pays taxes) 😡@:mad:

And credit to you for your work in the field of science, such an important endeavour for humanity and the world (although I might be wrong you guys also invented the atomic bomb) @:D😱
Those damn Physicists @;)
You probably already knew this, but I just read that a report by the International Monetary Fund in 2023 estimated that Australia subsidizes fossil fuels by approximately $11 billion annually (direct and indirect combined). Over the decades, this figure amounts to tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded support.

(If you missed it... that is $11 billion ... annually. Courtesy of Mark and anyone else around here who pays taxes) 😡@:mad:

And credit to you for your work in the field of science, such an important endeavour for humanity and the world (although I might be wrong you guys also invented the atomic bomb) @:D😱
In 2023 Australia's coal mining industry earned approximately $163 Billion, it's money that a big country like Aust needs. Makes you wonder why Aust subsidizes fossil fuel at all, surely it's paid back fairly quickly anyway.
Bit of a trade off with a lot of the energy - renewables developments or progression at the moment and with emissions levels .
Notice that even though China [ 27 % ] , U S [ 11 % ] and India [ 6 % ] make up almost half of the total emissions with primarily fossil fuels , all are still making some fairly notable expansions with their renewable programmes as well .but pollution levels in India especially hardly ideal
Even noticing fairly large scale wind farms in Texas of all places but would expect some changes with the national approach now with the government change .
Hottest year on record in parts of the northern hemisphere if the reports are accurate .
Subsidies in Australia to the fossil fuel industries are mainly in the form of fuel off road offsets and apply to many types of businesses as well as normal business capital outlays so pretty much accepted there and the fuel off sets policy ironically introduced by Keating in the late 80 's
Still will not be changing any time soon with the huge amount of coking coal Australia is supplying China with, though may have to do something with the domestic gas long term availability
Big business in Australia will not touch Nuclear even though its initial proponents were hoping otherwise and apart from the other impracticalities and not even if subsidies were thrown in . Renewables and transition lines are still going to be added and needed big time for years to come regardless who is in power at a state or federal level .
So not necessarily a Drill , baby drill approach to gas but better start getting some better outcomes with gas availability reasonably soon for a longer term supplementary or part supporting baseload power source
Everyone is entitled to opinions about everything, especially on a footy forum, but for anyone interested in the science here's a (mostly) easy-to-read Q & A on climate change by the Science Academy

I almost posted this same link the other day ... I have posted it on many sites especially after the disasterous bushfires of 2019-2020 when social media was full of all sorts of misinformation blaming everything but the effects of Man Accelerated Global Warming .... it is a very good link and worth the time it takes to read it ..... all statements and data are backed by science.
point stands, follow the money!!
So your main argument is: because there is money being made climate change is not real?

The money IS an interesting angle. Insurance companies have assessed the risks and guess what? Plenty of uninsurable property now. Why is that? Because things have changed and continue to change.

The US military expects climate refugees to be the biggest single threat to mainland USA this century . With all their trillions are they wrong?

Weirdly what climate science ( and Shell) predicted 20 years ago is happening while what deniers predicted has not.
So your main argument is: because there is money being made climate change is not real?

The money IS an interesting angle. Insurance companies have assessed the risks and guess what? Plenty of uninsurable property now. Why is that? Because things have changed and continue to change.

The US military expects climate refugees to be the biggest single threat to mainland USA this century . With all their trillions are they wrong?

Weirdly what climate science ( and Shell) predicted 20 years ago is happening while what deniers predicted has not.
No , follow the money , the ones pushing it big time , are behind the scenes making gazillions.

Case in point , Simon Holmes a Court.

And many more of course , it’s ALL about the money.

Meanwhile we , Joe average , pay more and more , and they make obscene profits.

Do your research , or would you just prefer to throw barbs?
No , follow the money , the ones pushing it big time , are behind the scenes making gazillions.

Case in point , Simon Holmes a Court.

And many more of course , it’s ALL about the money.

Meanwhile we , Joe average , pay more and more , and they make obscene profits.

Do your research , or would you just prefer to throw barbs?
I'm willing to bet that I know more about Simon than you.
Ginas making gazillions. And she's got the LNP doing her bidding.

I agree we pay more for power. I believe it is directly because Howard tied the price we pay for gas to international prices, this energy prices . Its our gas.
We make almost nothing from the massive gas industry - hardly any jobs - no tax and profits go off shore and we have high power prices because of the above.

I'm also quite sure that prices for nearly everything has gone up again and again as long as any of us have been alive.
Shares / housing / rent. Its a one way street.
Not calling you anything Mark but I reiterate there is a lot of misinformation out there ... being a reired scientist I believe in science not media beat ups .... if you really follow the money trails they invariably end up with the fossil fuel oligarchs, worldwide.
Long flight day and I left my book in the lounge, this thread I have found interesting with the diversity of views.

There is no wrong or right here, I personally sit on the fence as I do work for the renewable sector and the carbon sector in the energy industry.

I have recently seen some very good data put together from Geophysicists and Seismic engineers from the oil and gas industry, from what I have seen of the report and this is based around the Caspian, is the historical data proving that the weather and climate has cycled going back past the ice age and up mid to 2024.

Though this was put together by oil and gas industry professionals there was no biased view it was strictly done for seismic reasons.

@nightster woukd like to hear your professional perspective on this, the data I have I can’t share as it’s classified confidential.

I found @Mark from Brisbane post on the collection of data on rainfall interesting, is there any repeated patterns that highlight that the weather has cycled say in January 1950 that is similar to January 1980 as an example? The other information that would be helpful is the nutrients in the soil to see if anything has changed over this period.

In terms of energy the one that is the top shelf of them all is nuclear, yes it’s expensive and whatever cost you hear it’s worth double and put 20% on that as a realistic outlay.

As an example of nuclear power, it is positioned as the cornerstone of Britain’s energy security and climate goals, the financial numbers on Hinkley Point and Sizewell C projects are very similar with the cost, the reason of cost blow out is mainly down to the early stages of the project where the total cost is not true, if it was these projects would never get financial backing.

For 40 billion pounds, this is what you would get with nuclear.


⚡ 3,200 MWp capacity.
⚡ 6 million homes powered.
🌍 A pivotal role in net-zero commitments.
🔗 A long-term energy security buffer.

I am not sure if any of you have seen the documentary called The Grab, highly recommend this to give greater understanding on the topic of this thread and a greater understanding of current world demographics.

@Wombat64 there are heat maps that support your study on rising temperatures, the heat maps show temperatures are increasing everywhere globally, and the real liquid gold of the world is water not oil, who would have ever thought, but there are many countries now struggling for water.

Some different views from posters on Australian energy (Gas & Coal), I won’t go into details but consider what Norway have done with building their national trust from the natural resources and compare that to what Australia have done and look at their values in dollars, mind blowing.

Watch The Grab it will be worth your time.
Hi Dion and thanks for your post - hard to comment with regard to The Caspian data you speak of without seeing it but you do mention the a rainfall cycling period of 30 years 1950 - 1980, an incredibly small cycling period when looking at natural cooling and warming of the planet the Glacial Periods (between Ice ages), being roughly every 100,000 years and during those 100,000 year cycles over the past 250million years, there has been an average of 5 Interglacials or shorter warm periods usually lasting an average of 11,500 years.
However without going into very lengthy explanations & discussions over the myriad of current and recent scientifically, agreed on, studies and findings. It is agreed by an extremely high proportion of the scientific community - and as a minor player and because of 'early' onset I don't include myself in that community, that we should be in a cooling period but because of the human impact on green house gas emissions, and the reulting impacts outside of the Milankovitch Cycles, we are in an extended and elevating warming period. What that means and what to do about it, is what is causing most of the polarising arguments.
If interested there are many great scientific websites that provide current study info and explanations, mostly they are a laborious read, however this is a reasonably entertaining and informative page for anyone interested (How We Know Today’s Climate Change Is Not Natural) I only select this as one of many and I'm in no way connected to it or any of its contributors - merely as educational entertainment.
I have not read or seen The Grab but thank you, I will, - I bought my property over 40 years ago largely because it contains a bountiful life giving spring - I couldn't agree more the true liquid gold is H20.
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