We need sipley in the side
At the expense of keppie or lawton
Yeah, great idea... Kelpie and Lawton were among our best on friday, let's dump one of them. How about removing the centre from our middle rotation so we can have a real forward pack for 80 minutes?
Anyways. I have a real problem with this tactic of using a utility in the prop rotation. Sorry if i'm boring anyone by repeating myself but it "feels" important to me...and i'm a feel type of analyst.
The "collision" is a very important part of the process of dominating a forward pack thus creating room for the playmakers to do their thing.
You need to bring the opposition edge forwards towards the middle by running big, strong guys up the centre ad nauseam because they are NEEDED there. Then you can spread the ball without the edge opponents being effective.
Slippers or Kelpie or Marty (I would start Aoli and Tent) should be first-and second change props to CONTINUE what the starting props hopefully established.
AGAIN, this is not a Walker hate thing, he has been very good at times, it is solely about this tactic.
Wear your opponents down through the middle, make them bring in outside help and space will be created for our fast and skillful outside.
I can't recall this tactic ever being used before and the reason why seems obvious to me.
Big boppers and hard men are in a winning forward pack for a reason...they condense the defence which creates space for the ball-players, and taking your foot off the pedal is giving THEIR big guys a partial rest. Big, aggressive forwards working as a unit are critical to winning a vitally important part of a RL game.
What is the point in bringing on an X factor utility to play in the middle at the same time the opposing team has brought on 2 fresh props? Seriously? Advantage opponents.
Shoo and Foz have had no room to ball-play since Des started this tactic, Shoo and Guac have been drawn closer to the middle because our middle collision has been inadequate (has anyone noticed this?)...edges move wider because they are not NEEDED in the middle.
BIG games are won on properly structured forwards attack and defence, and our next game is our biggest for 7 years.
None of this matters if we don't respect the ball and cut out errors...but we need to do both if we are to win the prize.