gday , last night at game, a guy near me asked Groom about next year and he didn't want to comment but several guys around me reckon he is on a 2 year contract which last next year!!!
Look, why would he go to Broncos, local kid, family here, come thru juniors, lauded as a great prospect, orford gone in 2009 as contract runs out, burns and monas gone, not alot of competition, and lockyer and wallace at broncos, wallace is a kid but Bennett rates, look Groomy aint standing out YET in PL, he isn't ready for 1st grade, he is still bit small, will make it but not yet,
Look, why would he go to Broncos, local kid, family here, come thru juniors, lauded as a great prospect, orford gone in 2009 as contract runs out, burns and monas gone, not alot of competition, and lockyer and wallace at broncos, wallace is a kid but Bennett rates, look Groomy aint standing out YET in PL, he isn't ready for 1st grade, he is still bit small, will make it but not yet,