Re the "screaming eagles" name and supporters group....
The travel group is not an "official" supporters club per se, it was started and is "run" by fans - there are no membership forms, fees and you don't need to apply to join the group.
Rather, it is a group of people that started travelling together or meeting at the games and it grew from there.
As the numbers grew it made sense that we got a little better organised for some of the bigger trips with things like accomodation and transport to and from the hotels to games, purchasing tickets as a group so we could sit together and get together socially in places like Townsville, Brisbane, Melbourne and the Gold Coast etc. and Mark and the club have done a great job in supporting and accomplishing that with the NZ trip at Easter and the 50+ people that are with that trip being testament to the success and popularity of the thing
The name of the group is less important than the fact it has allowed individuals or couples, family groups or just a few mates who ordinarily wouldn't have gone to away games by themselves the opportunity to get together with other fans and enjoy the game together and support the team.
Word of mouth, facebook, this and the club site plus a number of other channels allow us to keep in touch and pass information easily rather than having to worry about a secretary, social organiser etc and it works well.
Looking forward to the new season immensley with a big part of that being the opportunity to catch up with the group
PS It may be pertinent to mention that the charter the Sea Eagles have with the Football CLub includes a clause that they can only schedule a maximum of 2 games away from Brookie each season - if they wish to do more they need to get a buy in from the FC members...Not sure how many would say yes so another good reason to be a FC member if you support the team?