The more the Trobs open their mouths the more I get worried,
This can go two ways, with Des being polar opposite to Barrett imo, they will either come to the belief that their old coach wasn't as good as thought, or with the personal attachment they have shown to Barrett and his ways, will not like the Des Structure and demands in training and expectations with the no excuse book firmly planted as the standard.
Will be interesting year ahead for the boys. I have no doubt Barrett as I said before was great as a 1 on 1 coach, or matey type or more so an assistant, he appears to have touched a cord with a few players in that regard and they are concentrating on the personal aspect and not looking at the bigger picture of what the HEAD coach should be doing for the team...
They are young but have been exposed to various coaches and systems now by way of rep, it is a concern they are openly saying what they are.