Bah bah sacked and De Belin charged

Banned for life? No. But if the club sacks him, I won’t shed a tear - the ‘hair-pulling’, as you put it (allegedly vigorous enough for her to end up on the ground, sustaining abrasions, while holding a 4 month old infant), is an escalation of his previous DV incident, where he punched a door to intimidate/express his fury at the same woman. I’d rather he be someone else’s problem when he gets to the Barba/Robert Lui stage of development, thanks all the same.

It’s very rare for domestic abusers to change their ways, unless something drastic happens. You do occasionally see people involved in a one-off that shocks them
enough to never do it again (if what you hear about AFB and his partner is true, one of those cases). Once the pattern of violent tantrums and lashing out at your domestic partner is established, though, there’s little chance it’s going to do anything but continue, and most likely escalate. The circuit breaker than needs to be something huge, either in terms of legal/financial penalty, or an abrupt end to the relationship, sometimes your kids hating you.

Hopefully his missus realises, and gets the hell out without wasting another decade or so, and bringing several other kids into the mess a la Ainslie Currie. That’s the saddest thing about the whole Barba saga - his girls are old enough now that they’ll realise and remember what he’s done to their mum, and it will affect them their whole lives. Get out while the kids are little enough, and it doesn’t have to be that way.

Every thing you say about DV is 100% statistically accurate ..... but you cannot convict somebody on statistical likehood .....

you say "is an escalation of his previous DV incident, where he punched a door to intimidate/express his fury at the same woman." ... do you know that this was what happened or guessing ? Pretty serious accusation ...

I'm all for accountability and punishment .... just want it to be proportinate to the offense ....

... and comparing Walker to Barba at this stage is like comparing my shark attack to a white pointer shark attack ..... ..
Every thing you say about DV is 100% statistically accurate ..... but you cannot convict somebody on statistical likehood .....

you say "is an escalation of his previous DV incident, where he punched a door to intimidate/express his fury at the same woman." ... do you know that this was what happened or guessing ? Pretty serious accusation ...

I'm all for accountability and punishment .... just want it to be proportinate to the offense ....

... and comparing Walker to Barba at this stage is like comparing my shark attack to a white pointer shark attack ..... ..

At the time, the reports about the door incident were ‘injured his hand when he punched a door during an argument with his girlfriend’. So whether he consciously knew that’s *why* he was doing it, then yeah, intimidation or expression of rage (or a delightful combo of both) is the reason people do that. I can’t think of any positive reason for doing it?

And no, you can’t convict based on statistical likelihood of where he’s heading. What you can do, as a professional sporting organisation, is do your due diligence and risk assessment, and decide you’d rather be well away from the firing range when bigger sh*t goes down. Given that Mr Walker’s contract hasn’t been extended at this point (and it could’ve been, prior to this incident, had both parties wanted it), I’d say there’s someone at the club doing exactly that.
My question is: is Greenturd's "line in the sand ban for DV" going to be enforced if Walker/DeBellin are found to have done something wrong?
Can you have such a serious blanket punishment for every DV instance, or will there be some flexibility depending on the circumstances, such as a first offender (as I understand DeBellin may be)?
My question is: is Greenturd's "line in the sand ban for DV" going to be enforced if Walker/DeBellin are found to have done something wrong?
Can you have such a serious blanket punishment for every DV instance, or will there be some flexibility depending on the circumstances, such as a first offender (as I understand DeBellin may be)?

De Belin is a different kettle of fish though - being a sexual offence, with the victim a virtual stranger. I’d expect it will be dealt with differently than the DV offences, and rightly so. ‘Cleanskin’ probably carries less weight, if anything, for that category of offence.

Just quietly, the reputation he has in these parts (I live and work in the Illawarra) is lovely bloke off the p*ss, thinks he’s God’s gift to women on it. Might be the first time he’s been dobbed in to the authorities for it, won’t be the first time he’s done something along these lines...
My question is: is Greenturd's "line in the sand ban for DV" going to be enforced if Walker/DeBellin are found to have done something wrong?
Can you have such a serious blanket punishment for every DV instance, or will there be some flexibility depending on the circumstances, such as a first offender (as I understand DeBellin may be)?
Ok, I will have a crack at answering this.

For De Ballin, the answer is simple. If he is found guilty of what he is charged with, he will be serving time. Easy for the NRL there.

For Walker, I am sure that the new hardline stance will be taken to him if found guilty. The NRL has always had the discretion to impose whatever penalty it deems appropriate (within the bounds of the law). Given the NRL’s discretion, I don’t see the law preventing the NRL taking the new hardline stance notwithstanding that it was announced after the alleged incident.

As for the new hardline stance, I am with Woodsie. All punishment must be proportionate. How that falls with Dylan should only be determined by what facts the DPP can prove in court.
So, if the Government brought in Capital Punishment after you committed a serious crime and were awaiting sentencing you'd expect to be put to death?

Well, if I murdered someone, of course "I" would complain that the rules changed after i killed someone and cut up the corpse, placed parts around Sydney and sent the cops cryptic clues, but i am sure everyone on Silvertails, the victims family and friends, and public in general wouldn't give a stuff and want me dead.
How that falls with Dylan should only be determined by what facts the DPP can prove in court.
Except the DPP aren't prosecuting Walker, the police are. The DPP generally prosecute those more serious charges (such as DeBellin and Hayne are facing) that have to end up in the higher courts. Walker's matter is staying in the Local Court.
Recently, at a beach far far away ... I was on patrol, and was the designated First Aid officer ... I watched nonchalantly as a snorkler lifted himself onto the southern rocks and casually walked the 300m to the club house ... "got a band aid he asked"

Something similar, but in a different situation happened to my dad years ago. He was working in a factory with one of those old industrial presses (think Sylvester on the swing trying to get Tweety Bird when he gets flattened - that type of press). One mistimed placement later and he's in the first aid room asking for a band-aid......all while the index and middle finger on his right hand were still back at the press. They were completely gone never to return. No prizes for guessing what happened.

The first aid officer fainted.
Something similar, but in a different situation happened to my dad years ago. He was working in a factory with one of those old industrial presses (think Sylvester on the swing trying to get Tweety Bird when he gets flattened - that type of press). One mistimed placement later and he's in the first aid room asking for a band-aid......all while the index and middle finger on his right hand were still back at the press. They were completely gone never to return. No prizes for guessing what happened.

The first aid officer fainted.

Years ago, when I was working at Timezone, a 13/14 yr old kid lined up patiently at the counter for a few minutes, got to the top of the line and paid for his ticket, then as an afterthought asked if I had a band-aid. Looked down, and there’s blood spurting out of his arm, a massive puddle around his feet. Turns out the group of kids had gone to buy drinks and snacks at the supermarket downstairs, and he promptly tripped over at the top of the escalator and fell on his glass bottle of soft drink. A fairly big chunk of the bottle was sticking out near his elbow, and his whole forearm was shredded. We were struggling to keep him awake by the time the ambulance - and his parents - turned up...needed a bit more than a band-aid, that’s for sure!

The young guy I was working with was apparently a bit squeamish about blood, never seen anyone turn that pale before (and he was half Indian, so that’s saying something!)
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Years ago, when I was working at Timezone, a 13/14 yr old kid lined up patiently at the counter for a few minutes, got to the top of the line and paid for his ticket, then as an afterthought asked if I had a band-aid. Looked down, and there’s blood spurting out of his arm, a massive puddle around his feet. Turns out the group of kids had gone to buy drinks and snacks at the supermarket downstairs, and he promptly tripped over at the top of the escalator and fell on his glass bottle of soft drink. A fairly big chunk of the bottle was sticking out near his elbow, and his whole forearm was shredded. We were struggling to keep him awake by the time the ambulance - and his parents - turned up...needed a bit more than a band-aid, that’s for sure!

The young guy I was working with was apparently a bit squeamish about blood, never seen anyone turn that pale before (and he was half Indian, so that’s saying something!)

Damn. When I was a kid I used to jump up and down and carry on like a pork chop if I fell off my BMX and grazed my knee lol
Something similar, but in a different situation happened to my dad years ago. He was working in a factory with one of those old industrial presses (think Sylvester on the swing trying to get Tweety Bird when he gets flattened - that type of press). One mistimed placement later and he's in the first aid room asking for a band-aid......all while the index and middle finger on his right hand were still back at the press. They were completely gone never to return. No prizes for guessing what happened.

The first aid officer fainted.

Did your Dad's workmates start calling him clock? ...
Recently, at a beach far far away ... I was on patrol, and was the designated First Aid officer ... I watched nonchalantly as a snorkler lifted himself onto the southern rocks and casually walked the 300m to the club house ... "got a band aid he asked"

After washing his foot, I found he had a couple of small, but narly lacerations, none serious or requiring sutures ... but ugly little cuts .... "What happened old mate" ..... "stepped on a bloody Wobbygong" he answered ....

Well, as you do I had to go through the process and fill out the incident report and advise Surfcom etc .......

2 days later the front page of the local rag lead with the headline "Shark attack at local beach" ......

My point .... not all shark attacks are equal ...

Was that the same incident that "experts" later claimed was more likely a moray eel bite?

When-a the moon hitsa your eye
Like a bigga da pizza pie,
That's amore...

When you're a-swimming at the beach
And an eel bites your feets,
That's a MORAY....
Back on topic . . .
The calls are growing for the NRL to suspend Debellin until the outcome of his court case is known. While I can understand the outrage I can't agree with the suspension call.
Yes, he is facing an extremely serious charge, but he has pleaded not guilty and is therefore innocent until/if he is proven to be otherwise.
If the NRL did impose such a suspension for all those facing a court charge imagine the consequences. We'd have players on 'minor' traffic violations/unpaid taxes/affray/theft, public urination etc. suspended until they had their day in court.
IMO we must let the court system do its job and not expect the NRL to interfere until the player has his chance to put his side of the story - and be tested and judged in a legal manner.
Back on topic . . .
The calls are growing for the NRL to suspend Debellin until the outcome of his court case is known. While I can understand the outrage I can't agree with the suspension call.
Yes, he is facing an extremely serious charge, but he has pleaded not guilty and is therefore innocent until/if he is proven to be otherwise.
If the NRL did impose such a suspension for all those facing a court charge imagine the consequences. We'd have players on 'minor' traffic violations/unpaid taxes/affray/theft, public urination etc. suspended until they had their day in court.
IMO we must let the court system do its job and not expect the NRL to interfere until the player has his chance to put his side of the story - and be tested and judged in a legal manner.

Just on this point...

It was about 20 months between the time that Snake was charged with a serious offence and the verdict.

It seems like people like Bandana man would have been happy to see him suspended for all of that time, though he was eventually found not guilty of all charges.
Yes it's a tricky one. Maybe they can rewrite the code of conduct, or the standard NRL contract, with a clause that says if you are charged with an offence and are subsequently found guilty than you forfeit any wages accumulated between the date of the offence and the date of the guilty verdict if you choose to continue to play on during that period. That may make them think about their initial not guilty plea a bit more, as they will lose income from the date of the offence all the way through to the end of any subsequent suspension handed out by the NRL after the guilty verdict. If they are indeed not guilty then they and the club have suffered no loss and it's business as usual

In the case of guilty findings then the wages that they did earn during that interim period should be forfeited to consolidated revenue which the NRL can donate to charity or to grass roots league. Not sure on the implications from a tax point of view or the legalities of such an idea, but it would solve the problem of players playing whilst waiting their day in court. Also might encourage some to man up and admit their guilt and take their punishment and get on with it.
Just on this point...

It was about 20 months between the time that Snake was charged with a serious offence and the verdict.

It seems like people like Bandana man would have been happy to see him suspended for all of that time, though he was eventually found not guilty of all charges.

It was an interesting article from Fitzsimmons. Pointing out that barba has been effectively banned for life without any charges laid yet de belin gets to play after being charged with a serious offence. His point (I think) was that at the very least the game has been brought into disrepute and that in itself is supposed to warrant a suspension by the nrl. Though Barba certainly has 'runs on the board'.

I think (not sure) he was also saying that suspensions don't have to be until the court case is over (in reference to the who's comments regarding long suspensions for minor offences)

I'm not saying I agree with the whole article and we all remember snake's case. He still got 4 weeks, then a year or so later was totally exonerated, and still is called the 'R' word by ignorant bogans to this day. So the nrl has to be real careful.

Maybe Beattie needs to hold a commission into it all because he's so super awesome at solving..... er nevermind.

Tricky, for sure.
It was an interesting article from Fitzsimmons. Pointing out that barba has been effectively banned for life without any charges laid yet de belin gets to play after being charged with a serious offence. His point (I think) was that at the very least the game has been brought into disrepute and that in itself is supposed to warrant a suspension by the nrl. Though Barba certainly has 'runs on the board'.

I think (not sure) he was also saying that suspensions don't have to be until the court case is over (in reference to the who's comments regarding long suspensions for minor offences)

I'm not saying I agree with the whole article and we all remember snake's case. He still got 4 weeks, then a year or so later was totally exonerated, and still is called the 'R' word by ignorant bogans to this day. So the nrl has to be real careful.

Maybe Beattie needs to hold a commission into it all because he's so super awesome at solving..... er nevermind.

Tricky, for sure.

Sounds as though Barba's, being on camera, its a open/shut case. He hasn't got a leg to stand on, where as JDB has to go through court etc, to prove innocence
Fitzy omitted the fact that it was Barba's third strike.

He had just finished his 12 month syspension for his 3rd drugs charge.

RLPA lobbied and won a greater share of the NRL Revenue when they argued that the players were the shareholders of the code.

Every police charge should see the NRL withhold a percentage of that pool for the current financial year till the player is cleared/police withdraw the charge.
If the player is in fact found guilty, then the withheld amount is recouped from the guilty player and distributed to grassroots footy.
The financial pain will be felt by all NRL players.

This way the majority of the normal NRL players will actively keep an eye on the loose cannons.
Also expedite a quick guilty plea to recoup the withheld funds :wait:

Only money will motivate a change in behaviour in these men along with the threat of deregistration for repeat offenders 😎
It was an interesting article from Fitzsimmons. Pointing out that barba has been effectively banned for life without any charges laid yet de belin gets to play after being charged with a serious offence. His point (I think) was that at the very least the game has been brought into disrepute and that in itself is supposed to warrant a suspension by the nrl. Though Barba certainly has 'runs on the board'.

I think (not sure) he was also saying that suspensions don't have to be until the court case is over (in reference to the who's comments regarding long suspensions for minor offences)

I'm not saying I agree with the whole article and we all remember snake's case. He still got 4 weeks, then a year or so later was totally exonerated, and still is called the 'R' word by ignorant bogans to this day. So the nrl has to be real careful.

Maybe Beattie needs to hold a commission into it all because he's so super awesome at solving..... er nevermind.

Tricky, for sure.
Agree re the snake precedent. But I wonder if most people facing charges like de bellend get bail, or are kept on remand?
m not saying I agree with the whole article and we all remember snake's case. He still got 4 weeks, then a year or so later was totally exonerated, and still is called the 'R' word by ignorant bogans to this day. So the nrl has to be real careful.

Goose Gallop didn't suspend him for being accused of sexual assault, he suspended him for being drunk at an official season launch function and bringing the game into disrepute...... well that was the Goose's story and he's sticking to it despite there being no evidence of Snake being drunk anyway.
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