Another NRL player in trouble

Sponsors just run from the NRL. The blokes running the game lead by example, and the whole League is a disgrace. What sort of role models are these **** wit players to our kids. It started with the Bulldogs Mad Monday and it just hasn't let up in 2018. These blokes just don't learn. Enough is enough. The culture in league has to change.

It is not just a Rugby league thing, nor just an Australian thing.

Rugby Union Ireland:

Premier League Soccer UK:


Basketball US:




it is a sign of the times unfortunately and it is a high and low profile thing.
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How about everyone stand on their own two feet...and start taking responsibility for their own actions? Sitting around on your finger pointing, excuse generating, self victimized arses....screaming "No one treats me right or understands my plight"..........fcuk me. What a sad mob of "feel sorry for me" wankers we'd be if not for people that take the moral high road.

You are responsible for you. You are responsible for setting a high example for your children to follow. Stop blaming others for the way you behave or how it seems your life is turning out. The old "Oh yeah....well what about them?" crap is circular and non beneficial.

Stop trying to fight the world and concentrate on you and yours. Then expand a little further into your community and do the same. It's hard to be labelled a racist if you don't exhibit, or indeed possess any of the signs. It's hard to be charged with domestic violence if you continuously work at contributing to a loving environment and raise your children well. Seek help or professional guidance if need be. It's on your with it! Work hard at your relationships. Work hard on your empathy for everyone you come across.

Until everyone takes ownership of their lives and the lives of their family, friends and just as equally...the random people you meet day to day....nothing much will change in your life. If you're not willing to put in the hard the very least stop complaining about the way things are. You're not helping.

Too simplistic?? You're right.....because it bloody well is!! Open your eyes and open your heart.
How about everyone stand on their own two feet...and start taking responsibility for their own actions? Sitting around on your finger pointing, excuse generating, self victimized arses....screaming "No one treats me right or understands my plight"..........fcuk me. What a sad mob of "feel sorry for me" wankers we'd be if not for people that take the moral high road.

You are responsible for you. You are responsible for setting a high example for your children to follow. Stop blaming others for the way you behave or how it seems your life is turning out. The old "Oh yeah....well what about them?" crap is circular and non beneficial.

Stop trying to fight the world and concentrate on you and yours. Then expand a little further into your community and do the same. It's hard to be labelled a racist if you don't exhibit, or indeed possess any of the signs. It's hard to be charged with domestic violence if you continuously work at contributing to a loving environment and raise your children well. Seek help or professional guidance if need be. It's on your with it! Work hard at your relationships. Work hard on your empathy for everyone you come across.

Until everyone takes ownership of their lives and the lives of their family, friends and just as equally...the random people you meet day to day....nothing much will change in your life. If you're not willing to put in the hard the very least stop complaining about the way things are. You're not helping.

Too simplistic?? You're right.....because it bloody well is!! Open your eyes and open your heart.

Not sure I would want you to be my advocate :sweating: ..... but happy to call you my mate ...... well said Moz ..
Not sure I would want you to be my advocate :sweating: ..... but happy to call you my mate ...... well said Moz ..

Thanks mate! You're probably right......I wouldn't be the best role model to follow for many...many reasons. LOL!!!!

But you'll never see me in court for racial violence, sexual assault, domestic violence etc. Protect, help and assist yourself, your family and all those that need your help at all times. From holding a door for a stranger to helping an elderly asian couple load potting mix into the boot of their car at bunnings (that was me yesterday lol)

Never miss an opportunity to do the right/kind thing for someone!

Living like this works for me and mine! Above all... try to laugh and find as much humour in life as you can. It's there if you look for it. Just like fear, anxiety, trepidation, anger and loathing are there....if that's what you want to concentrate on.

Not me!! @:)
Thanks mate! You're probably right......I wouldn't be the best role model to follow for many...many reasons. LOL!!!!

But you'll never see me in court for racial violence, sexual assault, domestic violence etc. Protect, help and assist yourself, your family and all those that need your help at all times. From holding a door for a stranger to helping an elderly asian couple load potting mix into the boot of their car at bunnings (that was me yesterday lol)

Never miss an opportunity to do the right/kind thing for someone!

Living like this works for me and mine! Above all... try to laugh and find as much humour in life as you can. It's there if you look for it. Just like fear, anxiety, trepidation, anger and loathing are there....if that's what you want to concentrate on.

Not me!! @:)

Agree .... what I meant before was that your tell it as it is approach wouldn't do some numbnut client any favours in court ... hahah
Agree .... what I meant before was that your tell it as it is approach wouldn't do some numbnut client any favours in court ... hahah

I was thinking more in terms of my personal approach to life. I have been known to force a beer down on a hot day. My humour could be judged as racy or vulgar...depending on the taste of the observer.

As for keeping things light, whilst also battling the worlds about this? We could solve two of the worlds biggest problems with a single swoop....we could almost wipe out starvation and over population by simply encouraging cannibalism. Yeah....think about it!!

Did anyone see Dan Ginnane on Fox last night trying to be all high and mighty on us quoting DV and sexual assault stats?
He went round and round in circles and kind of conceded that the national stats ( 1:130ish I think ) were pretty much in line with the amount of reported cases in the NRL ( this off season - so far ) then
espoused a stance that the NRL has a problem and more needs to be done.

If the stats are pretty much the same, then the NRL doesn't have a problem, it just mirrors the problems of society but the media don't report every average Joe.

Rather ironic on the same day that the Aussie media couldn't name and shame a well known Australian that was convicted of their vile crimes however allegations that may or may not be true
can be plastered over every media outlet without fear of repercussions.

It's a strange world.
If the stats are pretty much the same, then the NRL doesn't have a problem, it just mirrors the problems of society but the media don't report every average Joe.
Actually the NRL does have a problem because they need to attract sponsors and fans. - the average Joe needs nothing of the sort.
And the clubs have a problem if the NRL doesn't lay down a very clear path for dealing with transgressions.

Let's take D. Walker as an example. Right now, Manly are absolutely stuffed for being able to deal with him. He's had a number of previous transgressions and now is on a charge (I think - I've lost track a little). If Manly wants to appease sponsors and some fans by not playing him until the courts have had their say, they damage their own brand by not having one of their best on the field or not being able to pay a replacement due to NRL rules.
If the NRL wants to clean up its own game, they need to clearly mandate what happens to a player when charged with any kind of assault and give the clubs some relief for keeping the image of the game clean.
Actually the NRL does have a problem because they need to attract sponsors and fans. - the average Joe needs nothing of the sort.
And the clubs have a problem if the NRL doesn't lay down a very clear path for dealing with transgressions.

Let's take D. Walker as an example. Right now, Manly are absolutely stuffed for being able to deal with him. He's had a number of previous transgressions and now is on a charge (I think - I've lost track a little). If Manly wants to appease sponsors and some fans by not playing him until the courts have had their say, they damage their own brand by not having one of their best on the field or not being able to pay a replacement due to NRL rules.
If the NRL wants to clean up its own game, they need to clearly mandate what happens to a player when charged with any kind of assault and give the clubs some relief for keeping the image of the game clean.

Okay, maybe I didn't quite get the point across well enough.

By saying the NRL doesn't have a problem I meant it's not like they are disproportionately represented when it comes to these types of allegations/charges v the general public.

Yes, they have a problem because they get plastered across every media outlet whether the allegation/charge sticks with no presumption of innocence as is the principle of common law.
Dan Ginnane was going on that it may be time that the NRL had a mandate ( as you mention) regarding players that are charged like maybe stand them down immediately.
I agree somewhat that there should be clear guidelines but what?

What happens if the charge is a frivolous one with Buckley's of sticking or the court finds them innocent?
Who's responsibility is it to cover the loss of wages, brand, IP, reputation etc?
Okay, maybe I didn't quite get the point across well enough.

By saying the NRL doesn't have a problem I meant it's not like they are disproportionately represented when it comes to these types of allegations/charges v the general public.

Yes, they have a problem because they get plastered across every media outlet whether the allegation/charge sticks with no presumption of innocence as is the principle of common law.
Dan Ginnane was going on that it may be time that the NRL had a mandate ( as you mention) regarding players that are charged like maybe stand them down immediately.
I agree somewhat that there should be clear guidelines but what?

What happens if the charge is a frivolous one with Buckley's of sticking or the court finds them innocent?
Who's responsibility is it to cover the loss of wages, brand, IP, reputation etc?
Big difference within the NRL is that their employees have to attend behavioural courses to point out the bleeding obvious about DV and gambling etc.

Whilst the average numbnut offender just mirrors the social attitudes they experience.

Companies don't care about your personal issues and fire you on the spot as soon as there is a hint of anything that impacts their corporate image.

NRL doesn't have that luxury as the people with their required talent is limited, even though player contracts stipulate their corporate code.😎

The previously referenced conviction ruling without current incarceration is only due to the fact that another case that he is a co-defendant in is not being heard till March.
Disclosure of his guilt or even identity in this instance would prejudice next years case causing a mistrial.
Bastard might die in the meantime without serving a day in jail 😡
Social media is being monitored so please don't speculate on who it is!!!
How about everyone stand on their own two feet...and start taking responsibility for their own actions? Sitting around on your finger pointing, excuse generating, self victimized arses....screaming "No one treats me right or understands my plight"..........fcuk me. What a sad mob of "feel sorry for me" wankers we'd be if not for people that take the moral high road.

You are responsible for you. You are responsible for setting a high example for your children to follow. Stop blaming others for the way you behave or how it seems your life is turning out. The old "Oh yeah....well what about them?" crap is circular and non beneficial.

Stop trying to fight the world and concentrate on you and yours. Then expand a little further into your community and do the same. It's hard to be labelled a racist if you don't exhibit, or indeed possess any of the signs. It's hard to be charged with domestic violence if you continuously work at contributing to a loving environment and raise your children well. Seek help or professional guidance if need be. It's on your with it! Work hard at your relationships. Work hard on your empathy for everyone you come across.

Until everyone takes ownership of their lives and the lives of their family, friends and just as equally...the random people you meet day to day....nothing much will change in your life. If you're not willing to put in the hard the very least stop complaining about the way things are. You're not helping.

Too simplistic?? You're right.....because it bloody well is!! Open your eyes and open your heart.
Agree mate.
But if that doesn't work just ask for forgiveness before you die and its all good.
I was thinking more in terms of my personal approach to life. I have been known to force a beer down on a hot day. My humour could be judged as racy or vulgar...depending on the taste of the observer.

As for keeping things light, whilst also battling the worlds about this? We could solve two of the worlds biggest problems with a single swoop....we could almost wipe out starvation and over population by simply encouraging cannibalism. Yeah....think about it!!

... would suddenly increase the usefulness and value per kg of high end grain-fed vegans ....
I was thinking more in terms of my personal approach to life. I have been known to force a beer down on a hot day. My humour could be judged as racy or vulgar...depending on the taste of the observer.

As for keeping things light, whilst also battling the worlds about this? We could solve two of the worlds biggest problems with a single swoop....we could almost wipe out starvation and over population by simply encouraging cannibalism. Yeah....think about it!!
Some may find this suggestion a bit tasteless but maybe the salad dodgers will have more of an appetite for it .
Agree mate.
But if that doesn't work just ask for forgiveness before you die and its all good.

Actually......that won't work. That's a furphy bandied about by atheists and others that like to belittle without thorough investigation. You won't be forgiven because you have chosen to live seperate from God during your lifetime. By using your free will and believing that it's all bollocks, you won't have to worry about timing your asking for forgiveness. It won't be granted and you are finished, sadly. (Unless your heart has truly changed) The same goes for all of the priests, school teachers, doctors, lawyers, and far more commonly (statistically speaking) immediate family members and family friends etc etc that like to diddle with kids. They won't be forgiven either.

Put on all the show, fake tears and self flagellation you won't get forgiveness. The problem is you can't hide what's in your heart.
Actually......that won't work. That's a furphy bandied about by atheists and others that like to belittle without thorough investigation. You won't be forgiven because you have chosen to live seperate from God during your lifetime. By using your free will and believing that it's all bollocks, you won't have to worry about timing your asking for forgiveness. It won't be granted and you are finished, sadly. (Unless your heart has truly changed) The same goes for all of the priests, school teachers, doctors, lawyers, and far more commonly (statistically speaking) immediate family members and family friends etc etc that like to diddle with kids. They won't be forgiven either.

Put on all the show, fake tears and self flagellation you won't get forgiveness. The problem is you can't hide what's in your heart.

This is why you only have yourself, the missus, that strange couple from bulgaria and the stray collie dog in that cult of yours ....

... one man's furphy is another organisations brilliant marketing tool .....
This is why you only have yourself, the missus, that strange couple from bulgaria and the stray collie dog in that cult of yours ....

... one man's furphy is another organisations brilliant marketing tool .....

Yes my brother....but it should be seen and understood that one cults stray collie is another orginisations lost sheep!

In these modern amazes me that people will often criticize Jesus without having any real understanding of what he taught. That to me seems like something that... I don't know.........uneducated goat herders would do. lol
Yes my brother....but it should be seen and understood that one cults stray collie is another orginisations lost sheep!

In these modern amazes me that people will often criticize Jesus without having any real understanding of what he taught. That to me seems like something that... I don't know.........uneducated goat herders would do. lol

Typical of you lot .... always sticking it into the poor uneducated goat herders ..... bloddy elitist cult .... didn't Jesus say blessed are those with the goat photos ?
Typical of you lot .... always sticking it into the poor uneducated goat herders ..... bloddy elitist cult .... didn't Jesus say blessed are those with the goat photos ?

Nothing about photos....don't be lead astray! Careful brother......remember 2 Timothy 4;3-4

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

I believe the myth refers to Des??

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