Son of Manly Beach
Reserve Grader
Good analysis mate, spot on!This , by far , is our biggest issue.
Not just Saabie, not just Cherry , not old Foran , not busted up Tom.
It all starts with our custard slice forward pack.
Marty , hot and cold and past it.
Keppie, yeah think he’s a liability now
Josh A, can be good , can be lazy
Paseka , big , strong , acts like Jane not Tarzan.
Davey , add to the “ Tisschu” or Tommy Tissue” brigade.
Sipley , goes ok , but only ok
Bullemor , work in progress
Boyle, who ???
Have I missed anyone??
Honestly our forward pack is BOG AVERAGE.
And therin lies the problem.
Especially Boyle, haha - who the f...?