Committal hearings were all but abolished when the new indictable procedure commenced in April last year. Nothing will happen until the DPP come into the matter and that is supposed to be after 8 weeks but will depend how long the police take to produce the brief, not infrequently it takes longer. As to whether or not the DPP certify any charges for District Court, that will depend entirely on what's in the brief, namely witness statements, any CCTV or videos they can find, medical and forensic evidence. If the injury turns out to be less than really serious, or if extreme intoxication makes proving a specific intention difficult, then Local Court (and a speedier resolution) becomes more likely, but not automatic. If they think there is some gang context they might elect to take it to the higher court anyway, even on an affray. Also its quite dangerous to blow your shot at Supreme Court bail when the brief isn't even served yet.
Anyway we're all thirsty for bits of info about this case but we won't get much for quite some time. Patience, folks 🙂