It just amazes me the amount of back flipping people are doing over DCE and Foran. And being passionate Manly fans I also understand it at the same time. Hurt and anger makes it difficult to think clearly. A win makes things look rosey.
However, I still stand by my opinion of DCE and the way things have gone down. I'm old school and have no time for a self-absorbed self-serving attitude of any player on the Manly team. I've said it before... we apparently offered more than enough for DCE to say thanks, I'm staying with the team that believed in me and developed me. If DCE would prefer to make extra K by going somewhere like the Titans then I'm not interested in this sort of attitude/energy being part of my club. It's fine if that's what rocks his boat and I wish him well, but it's not what I want my team to be about. I want players who love this club and commit because they believe in more than just a buck.
Now, I share this, understanding I don't know all the inside mechanisms of what's happened. I'm open to the possibility that DCE is a loyal committed team player who suffered at the hands of a change in management strategy... However, im not yet convinced this is the case and no matter how well he does on the field this year for us I have my doubts and questions. In the end, I would accept not reaching future finals in exchange for blooding new young talent than pamper to any mercenaries.
For me, it's not about winning... It's about standing for something. It's about integrity, commitment, sacrifice and mateship. Its about love and passion. If I'm wrong about DCE and he was about these things, but suffered at the hands of an evil greedy new management, I'll put up my hand and take responsibility for my incorrect judgement... but, I'm not seeing it to be honest.