Reserve Grader
Really?? I'm pretty sure I saw Mike Baird and Jilliane Skinner on the earth moving equipment!??NSW Liberals are not building the new hospital. A private company is and will then profit from running it. The government isn't paying a cent. Just another example of the northern beaches getting screwed for being a safe seat.
Genaraly most company's like to pull profit.
And I personally wouldn't want to employ or appoint one that didn't....
One comes to mind.... -$40 000 000 000.000 "loss" yes that is 40 "billion" dollars
Give or take a billion or two.. what's a billion or two between us hard working battlers anyway!!??
Yes, I would be happy to pay a bit more to actually see the results, don't knock the Baird government. That man gets $hit done!
Anyway enough of that ,GO MANLY!
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