I gotta say that the concept of Net Nanny's and the like are a little, I don't know what the word is. I guess it doesn't sit well with me. But that's me.
I think the way I see it is that I know that when confronted with something like this, it's a challenge for most kids. And, as we all know, kids are always better with computers than adults, so they'll always win.
But anyway. Goldie, I appreciate that it's your choice.
Firstly, you gotta ask if you only want them to not be educated. Do you want yourself to still be able to get a lesson or two?
Unfortunately I don't know how good any of them are. I know of Net Nanny, Cyber Sitte and ContentWatch. Do a Google search for reviews on them and see what comes up.
If you need more suggestions, try http://labs.google.com/sets?hl=en&q1=net+nanny&q2=contentwatch&q3=cyber+sitter&q4=&q5=&btn=Large+Set . Who knows 🙂
Sorry to not really add anything to the conversation, but at least that's some names for you to go off!