I have IE, Firefox & Avant Browser at home and prefer the Avant Browser over the lot of them. It is a custom Internet Explorer based browser. It also has a Built-in Pop-up Stopper, Tabbed Browsing, Built-in Search Engine box (although I choose to use the Google toolbar over the Yahoo toolbar), User Friendly Interface and Full 100% IE Compatibility. Any web page that loads in IE will load in Avant Browser. You have less Pop-ups and more control over your settings. Avant Browser is updated regularly with new features and bug fixes and will check to make sure you have the latest version on browser startup if you have allowed this option. Avant Browser is more like Firefox than IE. As I live up here on the Gold Coast, I also listen to Triple M Sydney live over the internet sometimes (especially during the footy season to get more unbiased goss & info) and Firefox will not allow this capability that both IE & Avant Browser have. Avant Browser also gives you the option to save all of your tabbed browser windows that you can choose to open when you start your browser next. It also allows you the option to enable an AD blocker. You also have the option to disable pictures, Flash Animations, Sounds, Videos, ActiveX, Scripts, & Java Applets if you so wish. These are but a few of the available options. If anybody wishes to check out Avant Browser you can download it for free at: