Grizzly old fart
I agree with a lot of what you have posted here, and certainly understand the complexity associated with these type of situations. However, I haven’t been screaming about anything, and my initial reaction was inspired by another poster’s flippant response to what is “alleged” to have occurred. I interpreted his post to be implying that it is not a big deal when compared to something like rape. I replied to @sean john question regarding compensation, with an opinion on what I assume will unfold, should Walker be found guilty, and receive a lengthy ban as a result.
Sorry KW, this was not specifically aimed at you, but rather a general statement. Look, my gut feeling says he done her wrong, but I wasn't there so I leave it to the courts and witnesses to produce the case. I recall so vividly how demonised Stewart was based on the testimonies of the alleged victim and her father. For a time it looked like he had done it, but that's the disadvantage of looking at things from a distance...its all conjecture.
There is the added issue of the DV issue in general becoming the political football at the moment, just as with the child sex offending matters in the Catholic Church. Prominent people accused of these matters have a lot of pressure groups and biased perspectives on such matters seeking someone 'big' to blame. Its a witch hunt at present. Doesn't mean the accused persons aren't guilty, but there is also a lot of pressure to view these matters through coloured glasses. The Stewart matter, Lindy Chamberlain even the reverse pressure to dismiss based on ethnic grounds such as O. J. Simpson. Difficult when the pressure is on to remain dispassionate and impartial.