But @Woodsie, like the rest of us (and the presiding judge) you can't know the true nature of their relationship on the basis of public appearance. Just like we can't know the whole story around the events that led Walker to be charged.Agree as far as stats show .... however a judge is well aware that stats of abuse in one relationship is not evidence of abuse in another ... apparently an AVO was issued by the police ... and was not retracted but amended to allow them to co-habitate ... sounds like either a duty of care or face saving excercise by the police to me ... or both .... however I do maintain that presenting as a couple and loving parents without drama since the event will do them a lot of good on the day in court ....
My guess at this point is that there will not be enough evidence to support a conviction, based on the fact that the lodged AVO was then amended/downgraded to allow cohabitation. But this doesn't mean that nothing has happened and I suspect Dylan will be put through (another?) behavioral course by the club (if not the court) as a precaution. I'm not implying that Dylan is guilty of DV but, unless what was was reported by the media can be explained or discredited, some action will need to be taken.