Are you suggesting we should have rejected the Turbos apparent insistance on a package deal on their terms?Don't want to be negative nelly here, but they could could of staggered the contracts.
We all know what happens when the contracts aren't staggered
StGI tried that with the Stewarts. They wanted to treat Brett and Glenn separately when the Stewarts insisted on signing as a package deal. Whereas Manly jumped in and happily signed the package deal. Two premierships and ten consecutive seasons in the semis later, Manly was happy, and maybe StGI realised the huge blunder they'd made. Maybe that's why StGI reportedly jumped in to offer the package deal to the Turbos, probably hoping Manly wouldn't.
IMO the greatest asset Manly have in any current and future negotiations with the Turbos is their goodwill towards the club. Show distrust to trustworthy people and you risk destroying their goodwill. I would never paint the Turbos with the same brush as players with less club loyalty.