Terry Zarsoff
First Grader
A club on the rise?
We were Premiers when he took full control, and in the eight years since we haven't reached a grand final. This latest stunt has divided the club, turning players and supporters on one another.
We take your point T-dub.
I long and hope for the day when at the very least, we have an owner who is fully attuned with how to run the show. If it was Penn/Wolman and company’s desire to attract publicity, it worked.
The problem is that they highlighted the disjointed nature of the Sea Eagles’ day to day functioning.
Luckily we have your old friend DESpicable😉 running the footballing side of things. That gives us some hope that whatever tonight’s result, he can pull them back together and the team could still make the finals.
Imagine if someone like Barrett was still onboard? Speaking of which, how many other coaches could have spoken as well as Hasler did on Tuesday? Could you imagine the likes of Bellamy, Arthur or Griffin addressing the media with a speech like that? At least two of them can barely construct a sentence and the other one has been caught out ‘liking’ hard right viewpoints online.
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