Hamster Huey
Space Invader
SeaEagleRock8 said:Every form of debating is flawed when some participants use obfuscation (and we are all guilty at times).
Instead of a 250 word essay complaining about previous posts, let's just deal with one point at a time.
HH claimed "I've concentrated on the fallout the process resulted in; a factor you are both keen to avoid."
So I ask again: Do you disagree that the "fallout" included an almost overnight reduction in Australian sportspersons using substances they know little or nothing about?
It is a yes or no question. If you do answer it, I'll repay the favour and answer a point of yours.
Maybe we will make progress that way?
Are you talking the professional sphere or across the board? Is there any evidence out yet that there has been such a reduction of use has occured? I don't know, as I haven't seen any information myself. Perhaps you have some general evidence of this.
By your post, you're keen to state an alleged outcome of the release as a positive to support the manner in which it was conducted.
But your outcome actually is seperate to what the release was about. Throughout the entire release there was no mention of 'player welfare' or 'health concerns' surrounding the issue of drugs in sport...not one single reference.
The risks discussed were all about integrity in sport and criminal influence on players and results. Never about going public to stop somebody killing themselves. That was an afterthought in the blowback to the release as people digested the content and questioned 'why' it was made public at that time.
So the questions remained;
Why did the Govt push to make the release earlier than the investigating bodies were prepared for?
Why, if player welfare was an immediate concern, did this single point not get raised by any member on the dias during that release?
Why, if no interviews or interregations were yet conducted, did this serious rhetoric get raised publically, giving those that may have had something to hide an opportunity to disappear evidence?
Did the ministers err in appreciating the impact this release would have through the media and the public, including the increase in speculation and rumour that was bound to tarnish individuals and clubs unnecessarily?
Do you think the positive that you believe to be an outcome, excuse all the negativity that has since played out across the board?
In hindsight, do you think the release could have been far better managed and/or timed at a more appropriate point of the investigation?
But don't confuse this post as some washing of my hands on there being potentially problems with drugs in sport. I'm not naive as some posters would suggest.
I just feel strongly that this whole episode should have been better managed when you consider the talk of that day is struggling to play out in reality.