Sorry bud but struggling to share your views here. Almost 0 resemblance between Paseka and Kingy. Paseka more athletic and dynamic in his hit ups, but often lacks the aggressiveness and mentality. King, whilst nowhere near as athletic, had a fierce scour on his face, stared down the opposition as he was winding up, with intent to trample every occasion. The perfect prototype for taking hit ups would be Kingy in Paseka's body.
Defence on the other hand, I'm sorry to say you're way off on their similarity. For 10 years, opposition forwards feared our pack. One of the biggest and most consistent reasons for this was Jason King lining up. Choc, Gift were aggressive terriers. Kite grew more assertive defensively as the years rolled on. But it was Kingy absolutely belting blokes week in and week out. Again, Paseka could learn many things, particularly aggression and consistency.
Couldn't think of a lesser likely comparison