Grizzly old fart
We both made our points and now we can both get on with life and have a happy day 🙂
Life is too short for anything else
I sense a dismissal there Bozo. Perhaps I am wrong but its how I read it.
I suspect you read too much into what I am saying. This is not an attack against you or your opinion.. As I said its how I see things, but I'm not perfect and I may be flawed in elements of my interpretation. The discourse in which we have indulged was debate Bozo, nothing more. A sharing of ideas and learning something as a result.
I respect what you have to say. You seem a perceptive individual. Its not personal. We come at issues from different directions and debating is how we learn. There are no absolutes only perceptions. You don't have to agree with another's interpretations to respect it being something of worth borne out of years of experience. To dismiss an alternative opinion, is to reduce what we can know.