Engorged member
Better give us a bit more than that Moz...'s called - Delicious Cunnilingus Recipes for Hearing Impaired Ectomorphs!
It's been a long process and I've learnt a lot through my research. Did you know that the vast majority of hearing impaired ectomorphs used to work in night clubs during the 80's and 90's, predominantly as bar staff and are quite often named Eric? The constant thumping of the then unregulated sound systems produced industrial deafness. This naturally leads to problems in the bedroom/lounge/backyard.....
Upon closing their eyes to perform (could you imagine having your eyes wide open during? Creepy), the Erics become very dizzy and disorientated. This often leads them to falling off the bed/lounge suite/bonnet of the ride on lawn mower....and more often than not, they vomit. Now....understandably, this can be quite confusing to the young lady participating in the act, and can lead to all sorts of mixed signals and false assumptions.
By introducing an array of tantalising flavours and aromas, it gives the Erics something to focus on and they have a much higher success rate at completing their objective. Happy days!!
Target audience too small? I think not! There will be just as many endomorphic and mesomorphic people out there with perfectly good hearing that will snap this book up!

Yes Sir! This is my ticket to the big time! Move over Dr Phil.....Moz is on his way up!!!