SO , you are essentially the real life everyone loves raymond. what could be better. we have enough room to build another house on our block and the zoning stops next door on the bad side currently, but its going to happen. My son (only child ) is 16 so we envisage building another house there for us and he can do a deal to get this one in the future if he stays in adelaide.Sounds fantastic! I'm not working Mondays currently (well not formally but still end up doing some!) and this arvo the grandkids coming down (from 3 houses away!) the littlest one suggested we make crostoli but I said no, we'd need a whole day for that project, so we'll go with the middle one's suggestion and make some apple turnovers 🙂
Always popular 🙂 🙂
im a stay home dad so i have a pretty good life. have been for 15 years next month
I wont waste any more of your day off , enjoy the cooking with the grandkids . wish you were closer, we could palm off some soup for your apple turnovers