The Daly Cherrygraph

Why feel aggrived?

The guy has given his absolute all for this club and in turn they have paid him very well.

It's a 2 way street. We as a club let our club captain fatty Vautin go when he'd run his time. Des hasler was a great player that was also shipped out. Beaver was sent packing to the UK when he still had a season in him. All because the club had better options.

If DCE was starting to fail and getting injured all the time the club would be happy to ship him off.

Are we angry because he's still very good and he's going? Can be the only reason because if he was **** everyone on here would be commending the club for making the hard decision. Goes both ways.

The reason we are angry is he might go to the roosters and possibly win a premiership. If he comes out and retires then he's a hero again.
I feel aggrieved about how he announced his intentions on TV as it was a slap in the face for the fans who've supported him for 13+ years. He could've handled this a whole lot better and I wrongly thought he had more class.

I don't deny he's given his all to the club and been paid for it. I am not angry because he's still very good and going, nor that he might go to the roosters, and nor that he might win a premiership. I don't care where he goes.
The list of clubs interested is dropping fast and it’s only the media blowing smoke up his ass.

It’s like a big house auction where nobody is bidding and the real estate agents are looking around for an interested party.

It’s down to the Roosters and Dolphins.

I think everybody realises the asking price is too much for an old home. The Roosters may have already put in a bid that is way above the reserve.
Why feel aggrived?

The guy has given his absolute all for this club and in turn they have paid him very well.

It's a 2 way street. We as a club let our club captain fatty Vautin go when he'd run his time. Des hasler was a great player that was also shipped out. Beaver was sent packing to the UK when he still had a season in him. All because the club had better options.

If DCE was starting to fail and getting injured all the time the club would be happy to ship him off.

Are we angry because he's still very good and he's going? Can be the only reason because if he was **** everyone on here would be commending the club for making the hard decision. Goes both ways.

The reason we are angry is he might go to the roosters and possibly win a premiership. If he comes out and retires then he's a hero again.
mate, you keep mentioning everything EXCEPT what everyone is annoyed about - no one minds players leaving to get a better job/more money, it's the way he did it, apparently to put the rumours to bed about his future so he wouldnt be asked any more, when all its done is raised 16 different questions and left the club open to scrutiny.

From a club captain of all people. A professional announcement alongside the club, like every other high profile player has done previously, was all that was needed. Respectful and not throwing any one under the bus

There, hopefully now that saves you responding to everything that no one gives a **** about.
The list of clubs interested is dropping fast and it’s only the media blowing smoke up his ass.

It’s like a big house auction where nobody is bidding and the real estate agents are looking around for an interested party.

It’s down to the Roosters and Dolphins.

I think everybody realises the asking price is too much for an old home. The Roosters may have already put in a bid that is way above the reserve.
Definitely not the case, dogs have said ‘we weren’t interested’ every time they have missed player since Gus arrived. Pretty sure they did the same with Stephano & Terrel May who they definitely wanted. All it means is he is already a done deal somewhere else & it just hasn’t been announced yet
And yet he still wants more money. I bet he wont struggle with the cost of living
Chez has 3 daughters he is looking to set up… good luck to him…

nobody handed him an NRL career - he put the hours in in the gym, pounded the pavement for 20 years, played 300-odd games at the elite level and, like it or not, he has earnt the right to make his coin…

Could have handled it better but whatever…
Hello Silvertails, back in Aus and have been finally lured back by the drama after an off-season hiatus 🙂

This whole situation is quite odd to be blunt, and In my view there are 3 dynamics at play here:

(1) The Club defence angle:
  • Mestrov needs to defend the club's position in all this, thats his job
  • The club's decision making in light of the accusations of 'lowballing' and mismanagement of negotiations.
  • Being accused by the Murdoch press of being 'Filthy' at DCE about the announcement and countering that by trying to dilute this narrative with 'we were always in the know', IE in control
  • Needing to avoid the irony of screwing up yet again after the high-profile 'backflip' on the Titans, where ultimately Manly paid a premium to keep DCE long-term, after fumbling the initial negotations and favouring a Foran-led outcome.
Even though that call on a long-term DCE contract arguably paid off, it wasn't by design, rather sheer dumb luck that DCE proved to be so durable, and easily met the Minimum Viable Product of a marquee signing that benefited from the reality of inflation of contractual value. He was far more convincing as a long-term signing than virtually every other player at other clubs on similar arrangements (eg Taumalolo, Ponga, Hunt - who had injury/form challenges over their contract periods)

(2) DCE Legacy angle
  • DCE is defending his reputation and right to choose his own path. He is trying to avoid a 'Mercenary' brand to his currently wholesome legacy
  • However his reasoning lacks a rational justification. He could have made his decisions under the umbrella of the Manly Club, and ruled out picketing other clubs to make a point of his value.
  • He obviously is not interested in a post-game career in coaching with Manly after the way he has handled this
  • It's his last year at the Manly club he says. He is leaving the club so he can consider his future - without any pressure. Yet Manly insist the lack of an offer was an agreed upon point.
  • His reasons for wanting out of the club to embrace the freedom to 'consider his options' are absolute bollocks. If the club werr not putting any pressure on him to make a decision and not 'withholding a contract', rather waiting on his direction for whether he would play on, then that is understandable - not many players would be eligible for a contract of significant value at his age. Even the NRL valued his benchmark contract at $400k.
  • Manly insist they would have presented a contract in the scenario a competitive offer was forthcoming, else they would have waited his decision, assessed his value/form and reacted accordingly. From a bsuiness standpoint it's plausiable.
  • DCE is articulate in the way a politician is articulate - he has the ability to sound rational even when he is sprouting bull****. Perhaps he should consider a political career.
DCE is good, but he's not that good. And the Manly Club is either sincere, or mealy-mouthed and gaslighting DCE. Depends who you choose to believe. While DCE sounds professional and expresses himself in a way that is superior to most NRL players and even NRL Media, his logic in this matter has serious flaws - I don't buy that he needed to extricate hinself from the club overall to make this decision. It doesn't impact his market value, and gives him a security blanket to take his time. So either the Manly Club was pressuring him to make a decision (which they seem to deny), or he has used non-existant pressure to make a call as an excuse to justify bailing on being a 1-player club legend, for reasons we don't fully undertand at this time. (but hey, Cooper Cronk might...)

(3) Media is trying to cash in

As this absolutely shi*ts on the normal 'coach under pressure after 3-rounds' crap they have to spin out of necessity due to lack of material.

Fox will milk this like the proverbial cow. Ryles/Payton/Woolfe must be thanking their lucky stars for DCE about now, deflecting heat on their winless starts to the season.

The headlines run by Newcorp should be treated as they deserve - utter contempt. The Manly Club substantially weakened their credibility by pitching a 2-yr offer on NRL-360 though. That was an incredibly bad move. I am embarrassed for the club over that given their explanations since then that an offer was contingent on another club making an offer. So is there an offer from another club? DCE seems coy and evasive on that front.

If Manly were - as they claim - on top of the negotiations with their captain then this shouldn't have been necessary. It should never have got to this. DCE himself claimed he had spoken to the club as far back as December and made up his mind on not being at Manly beyond 2025 - and relayed that to the club, who in turn didn't bother with an offer.

The 2-yr offer they hastily mashed together to give the impression of 'doig something' was clumsy and revealing - regardless of Mestrov's justification it looks desperate and impulsive. It burns the credibility that Manly are in control of this, and hands DCE the power to refuse - which he did - to a public forum. Well done Manly, you now look like a khorum of muppets. Whoever made that call at Manly Clubland? That was simply....Bad. It might actually be the most telling play in this saga actually, as it contradicts so much of Mestrov's diatribe about the collaborative position of club/player. It leads to an undenaible conclusion that DCE had an Axe to grind with the club, who had 'wronged him' somehow. Whether thats the lack of an offer or otherwise is a moot point. The damage is done.

The outcome is that either DCE was not clear in his intentions to the club - which reflects poorly on him - or that the club were not clear in their intentions to put down an offer of substance. This reflects poorly on the Club. The Club has more experience in this than DCE does - regardless of his history or personal gifts beyond the average NRL player. The club wears a lot more blame in failing to address this and pre-emptively damage-control the whole scenario. Now we see Mestrov out trying to mitigate the fallout (doing ok at it to be honest, but really - he sounds a tad disingenuous to me)

Neither party can come out of this clean frankly. If DCE decides to renege on his position and re-sign with Manly now, after what he has said on Fox, he will look like an opportunist. If Manly offer him a contract value well in excess of the NRL evaluation of $400k, they will look captive and weak in negotiation. It hurts all involved.

The most logical explanation is that DCE has already signed with another club, but is not yet ready to reveal it. This undermines my view of DCE as an intellgient operator - he will be a club legend if he sticks it out at Manly until retirement. Chasing 1-2 more seasons at $750k-$1mil max may give him a decent sugar hit, but beyond that he has limited his legacy. Its a weird move - unless he has a succession plan already in place with another club - eg Cronk and Rooters.

It will not surprise me to find out DCE is going to play 1-2 seasons at the Rooters, replacing Townsend at the end of 2025, partnering and mentoring Walker, and giving the Rooters an artificial boost to their credentials during an acknowledged 'rebuilding' phase. And in return, Uncle Nick's brown paper bag has a nice retirement plan mapped out for him in a way that the Manly Club never defined.

If that ends up being the case, then that is on the Club, not DCE. We can't expect every player to be wired like the Beaver, with an unassailable loyalty to the club - which is not really reciprocated (else they would have rectified the tragedy which denies Beaver his true tally of club games, on the technicality of the 'Northern Eagles' debacle). Let's see what DCE's next move is. And in the meantime, let’s hope it doesn't de-rail a promising season, and that it galvanises the crew for a big season. After 2022 though, i'm not so confident of triumph in the face of advseristy with this mob.
This whole write up and angle that the club is largely responsible, hinges on one thing…that DCE wanted a contract from Manly and one and/or the right one was never forthcoming. I’m not so sure that’s the case.

He said himself he informed Manly in December that he would not be at the club. He gave the impression he would retire or go to England. Why would they still be forthcoming with offer if he’s told them he’s going? The only reason they made a pitch on 360 was to call DCE’s bluff and undermine the narrative that Manly were allowing him to walk. I agree it looked desperate and dumb but I believe the intention behind it was to communicate unequivocally that Daly was walking, not shown the door.

So, that leaves the question of why he informed the club he was leaving in December. It can only be a clash of personalities or he knew Manly’s cap position and knew he could earn more elsewhere and is dirty at Manly for blocking his release to get that money a year ago. I imagine the Roosters only ended up with Townsend when DCE couldn’t get his release.
Here’s a conspiracy theory…there’s rumours DCE asked for a release at some point a year ago. I wonder if the timeline coincides with Townsend’s contract at the Chooks? I.e. they went after Daly but couldn’t secure the release so grabbed Townsend for a year as a holding pattern. It explains why the Roosters seemed content not to spend big for this year…they’re keeping their powder dry for Daly.

It would also explain why Daly is filthy at Manly. We blocked his release to earn over a million a season again and start his building of something at the Roosters a year earlier.
This whole write up and angle that the club is largely responsible, hinges on one thing…that DCE wanted a contract from Manly and one and/or the right one was never forthcoming. I’m not so sure that’s the case.

He said himself he informed Manly in December that he would not be at the club. He gave the impression he would retire or go to England. Why would they still be forthcoming with offer if he’s told them he’s going? The only reason they made a pitch on 360 was to call DCE’s bluff and undermine the narrative that Manly were allowing him to walk. I agree it looked desperate and dumb but I believe the intention behind it was to communicate unequivocally that Daly was walking, not shown the door.

So, that leaves the question of why he informed the club he was leaving in December. It can only be a clash of personalities or he knew Manly’s cap position and knew he could earn more elsewhere and is dirty at Manly for blocking his release to get that money a year ago. I imagine the Roosters only ended up with Townsend when DCE couldn’t get his release.
I reckon you are pretty close bud… explains why negotiations even got as far as December (club lowballing and Chez agitating for a release) and why Chez served up a nice big plate of f*ck you on 100% Footy (he was p*ssed that the club did not want to pay him his worth but would not let him go either)…

Tbf though, if that is the case then all parties have done well to keep it under wraps this long…

Imo the Club should have just come out and said “he’s a legend of the club, he’s still at an elite level but we have an emerging squad that we need to retain and are constrained by the salary cap. So long, good luck, thanks”… the last second contract offer was just embarrassing and makes them look unprofessional (when I genuinely think they are doing the best thing for Manly going forward)
James Hooper reported last night that DCE made it clear early that he wanted $1.2m. It was always our intention for him to take a hair cut which is why a contract was never offered and why he has requested releases. To me this scenario makes a lot of sense. The legend of Dollar Chasing Evans continues 🤬
I’d say the answer may be that seibold just didn’t rate Humphreys, hence his delayed debut. Have to say I wasn’t overly impressed with what I saw of him in the lower grades either, but he is certainly doing well so far at Souths. Good chance seibold may be regretting letting him go.
I dunno mate….Humphrey’s is doing ok at Souths but not setting the world on fire. Too busy playing with his hair. I think Siebold doesn’t regret allowing him to leave. Walsh, Large & Cullen are the future. To risk losing them in order to appease DCE would be madness. We will find an interim replacement until these guys are ready for 1st grade. Our priority should be to power up our forwards!!! An edge 2nd rower to accommodate Olakau’atu. A Liam Martin type. We have the backs to win premierships…..remember if the forwards roll up field then the halves job becomes easier. I’m not too concerned DCE is leaving, however I’m pi$$ed how he’s done it in an attempt to make out like he’s the good guy & the club is the bad guy!!! We may not like the Penn’s but for mine Mestrov & Siebold have been a breath of fresh air. Our membership records & attendances are proof enough.
I’d say the answer may be that seibold just didn’t rate Humphreys, hence his delayed debut. Have to say I wasn’t overly impressed with what I saw of him in the lower grades either, but he is certainly doing well so far at Souths. Good chance seibold may be regretting letting him go.
Why couldn't Seibold see what others saw in young Humphries? Has class written all over him. Appalling lack of judgement if it was his decision. The pain is only going to get worse for us as he progresses with Souths!
James Hooper reported last night that DCE made it clear early that he wanted $1.2m. It was always our intention for him to take a hair cut which is why a contract was never offered and why he has requested releases. To me this scenario makes a lot of sense. The legend of Dollar Chasing Evans continues 🤬
$400 K per year (reported he will get $1.1M) is a decent haircut…

People are allowed to be aggrieved but you do have to wonder how many of us would leave that kind of money on the table…

Personally, I could care less about the cash… he is worth it, we can’t pay it so you do you boo…

let’s face it, if he had stayed for less $$$ he would not have changed the mind of a single fan that does not like him and would have continued to be blamed for all our failures whilst Tom got the credit whenever we win… same old story but for less $$$… why not start again somewhere else?

Just annoys me that nobody is being upfront and Manly once again look like amateurs (when the last couple of years it has seemed like we were starting to get our house in order)…
It looking like as many of us suspected that he has already signed with the Roosters so why ****e all over his club, players and supporters with the public circus. It now turns out he asked for a release in December 2024 (it looks like that's how long this deal has been in the making) and he didn't get it. We now have motive. Listening to Jake get interviewed yesterday made it clear that DCE hadn't even confided in the senior playing group. If this is the case then the media circus was tacky and revengeful. Bozo or Vautin didn't pull a stunt like this.
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Sport Confidential: Manly boss Scott Penn stands firm over club’s handling of Daly Cherry-Evans saga

It’s become one of the most drama-filled player exits ever, but Manly owner Scott Penn has insisted the club did everything possible to keep Daly Cherry-Evans, defending their handling of the contract saga. SPORT CONFIDENTIAL.

Manly chairman and owner Scott Penn has backed the club’s handling of the Daly Cherry-Evans contract bombshell after Sea Eagles powerbrokers held an inquest into the saga at a board meeting on Tuesday night.
Penn insists the Sea Eagles could do no more. His endorsement of the way it was handled came as Manly stalwart Jake Trbojevic admitted he could never play against the club and spoke about his desire to captain the side next season.

Penn, who is based in New York, had only been in Sydney a matter of days when he found his club enveloped by one of the biggest stories of the year.

Cherry-Evans’ decision to declare this his last year at Manly led to plenty of finger-pointing, much of it in the direction of the club.

Penn spent Tuesday with key officials revisiting their handling of the negotiations and walked away comfortable that they could do no more.

Sport Con can reveal that Manly head of recruitment Peter Gentle presented to the board on Tuesday night in the wake of the Cherry-Evans drama, where it was revealed that;

• Manly first spoke to the Cherry-Evans camp about a contract extension on November 20 last year, with a one-year deal in the vicinity of $750,000 discussed;

• Sea Eagles officials walked away from those talks believing that Cherry-Evans camp wanted more money;

• Manly powerbrokers believed that after years of being the club’s top earner, a slight pullback in salary was within reason, in much the same way Cameron Smith and Billy Slater had taken pay cuts in the twilight of their careers;

• Manly decided last week to table a two-year deal to Cherry-Evans but waited until after the game on the weekend to make an official offer.

By then it was too late. Cherry-Evans’ mind was already made up.

We put we put a number on the table back in November last year,” Penn said.

“We have email records of it. I mean it wasn’t a formal NRL contract, but it was a firm offer saying this is the number we can get to.

“They effectively said they wanted more. So we’ve been behind the scenes trying to lock in that number since that day.

“We always said that we wanted him to stay at the club. We presented the best offer we could to stay within the cap.

“He’s been well paid for the last 12 or so years. We were looking for a slight pullback, but it wasn’t ridiculous.”

The news was still reverberating on Sydney’s northern beaches on Thursday as the club finetuned their preparations for Sunday’s game against Parramatta.

Trbojevic was among those who received a heads-up on Monday of Cherry-Evans’ decision prior to the captain’s appearance on television, where he went public. Asked if he could ever see himself playing against Manly, Trbojevic – a Manly junior who is off contract at the end of next season – said: “It just wouldn’t happen. I couldn’t do it personally.

I definitely couldn’t imagine it, no. You never say never. We never thought Glenn Stewart would leave the club, [even though] he got forced out.

“We never thought Cherry-Evans would leave the club. Right now, my answer would be ‘no’. I love this club. It means the world to me.

“I’ve been here since I was 14 in junior development.”

Cherry-Evans’ imminent departure means the club will be on the search for a new captain and Trbojevic put his hand up. He also went into bat for his brother Tom, conceding he would be a potential skipper as well.

“I’m excited to continue being myself and keep leading the way I do, and I hope next year I get to be captain,” Trbojevic said.

“It would be a true honour and I’d do this club proud.”

Brent Read and Michael Carayannis
Sport Confidential: Manly boss Scott Penn stands firm over club’s handling of Daly Cherry-Evans saga
All sounds credible.
No reference to the scuttlebutt about DCE seeking a release the year before, or the scuttlebutt about Manly shopping him last year (both rumours that sound a tad less than credible to my untrained eye)
All sounds credible.
No reference to the scuttlebutt about DCE seeking a release the year before, or the scuttlebutt about Manly shopping him last year (both rumours that sound a tad less than credible to my untrained eye)
Definitely if Manly were shopping him or those murmurs Gus heard that would have been leaked to Danny Weirdo and we would have all heard that via Fairfax…

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