We view different games… I reckon I have seen DCE go for half a dozen chip and chases in the last 12 months… yes he loves a blind side but then we score a lot of points off that tactic because it utilises his and Guac’s skill sets and our speedy wingers…
Soooo many games we lose last year without Chez’s game management… his early kicks and long kicking game kept us in contests where we were losing the grind and should have lost by all rights…
DCE is one of our greatest assets and the very least of our issues… but I understand that as the leader he has to wear the flack - that’s what he gets paid so well for and it is exactly why I will never begrudge him taking a better offer if Manly do not show him the respect he has earnt during a period where our club has been an absolute disaster in the back office due to poor recruitment, backbiting and spendthrift ownership…
thankfully the last 3 years has started to look like there is a rainbow appearing (pun intended) for Manly supporters… good recruitment decisions ( on and off the field), clearing out of antagonists that thought they owned Manly, proper investment in the club and, bar a couple of terrible fade-outs in games, some bloody good football to watch…
Love your passion mate
contract and 2 year deal after this
hotly debated and as you say, fair enough.
club at crossroads in some ways
If he went, fans would be in tears , such is he popularity . I get that. I have seen many a tragic fan and have felt such attacthment
the plan seems that brooks and DCE will plug the halves pathway on decent coin until end of 27. arthur and matto, possibly croker as back up on crap money to allow the next phase to pass ,
I recall that simpkins and arthur both came to us on freight. unkown length or amount but they will become harder to retain when those deals expire, maybe they have and i should have checked
granted walsh and large are yonks away we are really hoping that they mature together and conveniently for our cap
TOM, Jake contracts same time. maybe we are conceding we are going to have a big dash at 28 and just want to look cool for now while we wait.
I think all the premiership window talk is great for the club from a $$$$ point and the energy is really cool BTW,
I would say DCE is great value/asset for the club off the field, but more so when he is doing both .
But this fan just wants Manly to start fighting for its culture and history instead of flap trapping on about it .
Anyways frankie, always good to share our differences and i loved your little joke about chezs game management...cute....levity intended . just couldnt let it slip through untouched LOL
on a sidenote
he seems a player that could produce some well timed contract performances ....just a hunch, he really can taper into origin