The Anthony Seibold Grievances MEGA THREAD

  • We had an issue with background services between march 10th and 15th or there about. This meant the payment services were not linking to automatic upgrades. If you paid for premium membership and are still seeing ads please let me know and the email you used against PayPal and I cam manually verify and upgrade your account.
  • We have been getting regular requests for users who have been locked out of their accounts because they have changed email adresses over the lifetime of their accounts. Please make sure the email address under your account is your current and correct email address in order to avoid this in the future. You can set your email address at
  • Wwe are currently experience some server issues which I am working through and hoping to resolve soon, Please bare with me whilst I work through making some changes and possible intermittent outages.
  • Apologies all our server was runing rogue. I managed to get us back to a point from 2:45 today though there is an attachment issue i will fix shortly. Things should be smooth now though


Sea Eagle forever
Tipping Member
Souffs were absolutely rubbish. This game could've been won with a coach who has a clue. Unfortunately we are stuck with a clueless gimp.


Sea Eagle forever
Tipping Member
You guys are kidding. The full strength Warriors were beaten by 60 today against the bottom of the table Titans. We get done by 14 with a patchwork side and a winger playing 6. It’s not time to call for the coaches head.
Who the fuk puts a winger at #6. Fuk me what is the point of having 2nd grade team to have players ready to fill positions. Seibold is a fuking clueless gorm.


So u r happy with Spoonys selections tonight?

The reason we didn’t get 50 put on us, was because we had big guys like Talau defending in difficult positions. We struggled to score points because it’s a patched up side and our halfback and leader didn’t step up and guide the team around.

It had nothing to do with not picking Gordon or Humphries (I know it’s spelt with a y but Humphries). It was low scoring game. If Lawton throws a better pass to Talau, it’s 8-6 with 35 minutes to go.

Brooks should have straightened our attack. We were doing well through the middle.
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I prefer to lose a low scoring game than get 40-50 put on us. How many other clubs in the game win that tonight with so many injured, suspended or on rep duty?


Reserve Grader
You'd certainly like to have been a fly on the wall in the selection meeting to at least try and see some sense in the decisions he made. From the outside, the selection options looked obvious, you'd have to hope there was justified reason why he played one playmaker and others in random positions.


Journey Man
Why does siebs say the same thing every week? Tonights performance was unacceptable. And he wants to talk about how proud he is? Is he talking positive just to keep his job?
It's called toxic positivity mate, and most of the fanbase have accepted, promote and celebrate it now.

I was told this week by a numpty here, celebrating and being happy after a loss "is where it's at".

So I've basically given up now. No-one seems to care anymore. There were some in the GameDay thread talking about how proud they were and how everyone else should be too.

People's standards are in their arses these days. Sorry.

Dion Johnson

Premium Member
Tipping Member
The outcome was not in our favor, hard to blame the coach on that result, band aids everywhere and the they stuck at it

The game plan was there, just lacked execution.
Team P W L PD Pts
15 12 3 113 28
15 10 5 108 24
15 10 5 77 24
16 10 6 195 22
15 8 7 64 20
15 8 7 40 20
16 9 7 2 20
15 8 7 -30 20
15 7 7 28 19
15 7 8 21 18
15 7 8 -47 18
15 7 8 -89 18
16 7 8 -31 17
14 5 9 -112 16
14 4 10 -71 14
15 4 11 -129 12
15 4 11 -139 12
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