Guys, it might be time to quite a discussion thats obviously never going too get anywhere. Everyone pays tax, some more than others but thats life. Like I always say, we could be living in Somalia or Etheopia and paying no tax, havinging no home, or food for that matter, we may all have been born with aids and live in fear as war rages in our backyards. I honestly get so sick and tired of hearing people complain about how hard they have it when it is just such insignificant bullshiet! Tell your speal to a 10 YO who's mother has just passed away in Rowanda and is now got nothing. 10 ****ing years old. No food, mum, dad, house, car. Thats ****ing grade 4 for christ's sake. And here we are, 10 pages in on a thread on the internet whinging and whineing about who's the most hard done by in the recent tax cuts. **** ME!
Get some perspective before you all start shooting off at the mouth. Im sick of this rubbish.