I'm working. For a solicitor. Unfortunately, I'm super-organised & have run out of things to do! I've worked all my uni life. Done office work, worked in a fruit & veg shop, fish shop, selling papers and as a bartender for a long while there. I can pour a damn fine beer...
I know, alot of law students don't work till they get a summer clerkship. I haven't been that fortunate.
P.S. I'll never get an expensive TV... that's fluff's wish. My wish is to go to Sri Lanka and work in an elephant orphanage for a bit... it'd cost about the same too.
P.P.S... Good thing about being deaf though... If I meet you I can ignore you easily... even when you're shouting!
I know, alot of law students don't work till they get a summer clerkship. I haven't been that fortunate.
P.S. I'll never get an expensive TV... that's fluff's wish. My wish is to go to Sri Lanka and work in an elephant orphanage for a bit... it'd cost about the same too.
P.P.S... Good thing about being deaf though... If I meet you I can ignore you easily... even when you're shouting!