Don't forget to sunscreen up at the beach today people!! I had to get a bloody melanoma cut out of my hand on Wednesday. Slip, slop, slap now has a whole new meaning for me. It used to mean slip on a singlet, slop down a beer and slap the missus on the date.
Also, @globaleagle ....when I was a young bloke, going to the beach to "patrol" had another meaning.
Maybe that's what @Woodsie is up to today!
Happy Australia Day everybody!!!!!
The surf is 6 inchs and breaking gently ... was told, because I am the oldest and most useless member of the patrol, I was not needed and could go home if I wanted to. When 5 people cheered, I took the hint.
And no Mozzie, you lecherous old bugger, that is not what I meant.