someone needs to speak to Brett Stewart a smh exclusive.

Essentially I think it was a dumb thing to do by Brett. This sort of media focus was always a possibility. I was surprised at the time and I do think it would be best if someone could have a word with him about the right place and time for this sort of joke. He is a better man than this.
I was surprised too, It was silly for sure and I just don't get why he needs to do stuff like that.
I remember meeting him with my son who was 8 at the time. Brett was about 20 and was such a wide eyed delightful lad. He spent time with my son and I sat back and just admired the whole thing. I don't judge him, I just hope someone gets in his ear. I would hate for him to have a bad legacy like choccy boy once he leaves.
And the real disgrace here is that Fitzsimmons doesn't even know what the jerkin' off motion looks like, unless he actually has a noodle dick that juts out of his thigh...
Im absolutely dumbfounded about what can get written.....have a read of this. Disgusting!!

Brett Stewart’s Post-Try Celebration Should Raise Questions
In OverView on May 20, 2015 at 7:58 am
On the 29th of September, 2010, Brett Stewart was found, by a jury of his peers, not guilty of sexual assault. Stewart and his supporters probably hoped that the message from the decision would be clear and unequivocal: Brett Stewart is not a rapist. On the 18th of May, 2015, Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. Yes, for those who are inured to the disgusting, bestial behavior of some of our finest Rugby Le
ague players, I know I sound hysterical. Yet show video of his post-try celebration against Penrith on Monday night to most women and I strongly suspect it will discomfit them. Some might simply think it disgusting or “gross”; others will know it to be about something else entirely. First of all, let’s try to concretize exactly what Stewart did. I don’t think this will take too long. It’s hard to find anything about it in the corporate media; maybe their delicate sensibilities preclude them from being too explicit. I don’t have those qualms. As far as I can tell, Brett Stewart scored a try, got up and proceeded to mime the act of masturbation and ejaculating on something. Or someone. I explored the internet the day following the Manly-Penrith game to find any response to Stewart’s behavior and found nothing substantive. On the night, the only thing stated was something from Warren Smith about not being “sure” what the “celebration” was all about. I think Warren Smith is absolutely sure, just as I’m assuming the vast majority of the media knew exactly what they were seeing on Monday night. They just chose not to deal with it, in the same fashion that they continue to avoid a real confrontation of the causes of sexism and off-field violence plaguing the game and its players. Many victims of gang rape report “celebrations” quite similar to those acted out by Brett Stewart. The porn industry has made hundreds of millions of dollars by creating and fostering fantasies featuring men using their penis as a way to to dominate and degrade. It would be remiss of me not to admit right now that I have watched way too much porn in my lifetime; this article by Pulitzer Prize-winner Chris Hedges is worth a look when considering one’s feelings about pornography. But back to the issue at hand. Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. Now, he might say that I am the one with the filthy mind- and he’d be right; my mind can be as filthy as anyone’s. He might say that he was actually impersonating a gardener watering his flowers with some kind of garden hose that attaches to one’s groin and is operated using some kind of back-and-forth motion with one’s fingers. But I know what he was doing, as he mock-ejaculated his seed all over something. Or someone. The rule should be simple: you behave like a thug, or a rapist, or simply an idiot, you face the consequences. Sometimes that might be prosecution, or banishment from the game, or suspension. And sometimes, there should be another consequence that is often just as effective: you get called out for for your actions, in public. Unfortunately, punitive measures never solve the core problem. By the time Brett Stewart mimicked what he did on Monday evening, his conditioning had been solidified for decades. We won’t change Brett Stewart. But I’m glad he did what he did: it gives the rest of us a chance to renew a neglected conversation about how we as men view our place in the world, especially in relation to women. Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. What are the rest of us going to do about it?
Im not sure if my post was removed but for those on twitter go and have a read of the latest post on @RLWA_worldwide. An article on Brett Stewart that would have to be one of the most disgusting articles i have read. Its about the post try celebration.
Im absolutely dumbfounded about what can get written.....have a read of this. Disgusting!!

Brett Stewart’s Post-Try Celebration Should Raise Questions
In OverView on May 20, 2015 at 7:58 am
On the 29th of September, 2010, Brett Stewart was found, by a jury of his peers, not guilty of sexual assault. Stewart and his supporters probably hoped that the message from the decision would be clear and unequivocal: Brett Stewart is not a rapist. On the 18th of May, 2015, Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. Yes, for those who are inured to the disgusting, bestial behavior of some of our finest Rugby Le
ague players, I know I sound hysterical. Yet show video of his post-try celebration against Penrith on Monday night to most women and I strongly suspect it will discomfit them. Some might simply think it disgusting or “gross”; others will know it to be about something else entirely. First of all, let’s try to concretize exactly what Stewart did. I don’t think this will take too long. It’s hard to find anything about it in the corporate media; maybe their delicate sensibilities preclude them from being too explicit. I don’t have those qualms. As far as I can tell, Brett Stewart scored a try, got up and proceeded to mime the act of masturbation and ejaculating on something. Or someone. I explored the internet the day following the Manly-Penrith game to find any response to Stewart’s behavior and found nothing substantive. On the night, the only thing stated was something from Warren Smith about not being “sure” what the “celebration” was all about. I think Warren Smith is absolutely sure, just as I’m assuming the vast majority of the media knew exactly what they were seeing on Monday night. They just chose not to deal with it, in the same fashion that they continue to avoid a real confrontation of the causes of sexism and off-field violence plaguing the game and its players. Many victims of gang rape report “celebrations” quite similar to those acted out by Brett Stewart. The porn industry has made hundreds of millions of dollars by creating and fostering fantasies featuring men using their penis as a way to to dominate and degrade. It would be remiss of me not to admit right now that I have watched way too much porn in my lifetime; this article by Pulitzer Prize-winner Chris Hedges is worth a look when considering one’s feelings about pornography. But back to the issue at hand. Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. Now, he might say that I am the one with the filthy mind- and he’d be right; my mind can be as filthy as anyone’s. He might say that he was actually impersonating a gardener watering his flowers with some kind of garden hose that attaches to one’s groin and is operated using some kind of back-and-forth motion with one’s fingers. But I know what he was doing, as he mock-ejaculated his seed all over something. Or someone. The rule should be simple: you behave like a thug, or a rapist, or simply an idiot, you face the consequences. Sometimes that might be prosecution, or banishment from the game, or suspension. And sometimes, there should be another consequence that is often just as effective: you get called out for for your actions, in public. Unfortunately, punitive measures never solve the core problem. By the time Brett Stewart mimicked what he did on Monday evening, his conditioning had been solidified for decades. We won’t change Brett Stewart. But I’m glad he did what he did: it gives the rest of us a chance to renew a neglected conversation about how we as men view our place in the world, especially in relation to women. Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. What are the rest of us going to do about it?
Ugh, this is just a piss weak click bait/hot take attempt that reeks of desperation.
This would be right up there with the biggest load of crap I have ever heard or read.

I am disgusted with Greg Inglis' post try celebration, you the one where he crawls across the ground like a "giant penis with legs".

Or he's sneaking away from beating his missus..
Let me tell you of my experience with Brett Stewart. My son has muscular dystrophy & is confined to a wheelchair. Manly kindly let us in to the dressing sheds after a win over the Storm in 2013. Brett took the time to talk to my son & I, not a quick hello but 5 -10 minutes while he was still in his gear & had ice on his hami. We also chatted with other players, but Brett was the most generous with his time. My son & I will remember that forever. Peter Fitznothing has no idea!

I just love hearing stories like that! And there are so many of these in the rugby league community. Brett Stewart's name however seems to come up quite a lot with fans telling similar stories.

Fitzsimmons is just a rugby league basher plain and simple. Any excuse he will dig the boot in. If there isn't one he'll make one up or find hidden meaning in something to do it. As far as I'm concerned he can go and eat. .......
Im absolutely dumbfounded about what can get written.....have a read of this. Disgusting!!

Brett Stewart’s Post-Try Celebration Should Raise Questions
In OverView on May 20, 2015 at 7:58 am
On the 29th of September, 2010, Brett Stewart was found, by a jury of his peers, not guilty of sexual assault. Stewart and his supporters probably hoped that the message from the decision would be clear and unequivocal: Brett Stewart is not a rapist. On the 18th of May, 2015, Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. Yes, for those who are inured to the disgusting, bestial behavior of some of our finest Rugby Le
ague players, I know I sound hysterical. Yet show video of his post-try celebration against Penrith on Monday night to most women and I strongly suspect it will discomfit them. Some might simply think it disgusting or “gross”; others will know it to be about something else entirely. First of all, let’s try to concretize exactly what Stewart did. I don’t think this will take too long. It’s hard to find anything about it in the corporate media; maybe their delicate sensibilities preclude them from being too explicit. I don’t have those qualms. As far as I can tell, Brett Stewart scored a try, got up and proceeded to mime the act of masturbation and ejaculating on something. Or someone. I explored the internet the day following the Manly-Penrith game to find any response to Stewart’s behavior and found nothing substantive. On the night, the only thing stated was something from Warren Smith about not being “sure” what the “celebration” was all about. I think Warren Smith is absolutely sure, just as I’m assuming the vast majority of the media knew exactly what they were seeing on Monday night. They just chose not to deal with it, in the same fashion that they continue to avoid a real confrontation of the causes of sexism and off-field violence plaguing the game and its players. Many victims of gang rape report “celebrations” quite similar to those acted out by Brett Stewart. The porn industry has made hundreds of millions of dollars by creating and fostering fantasies featuring men using their penis as a way to to dominate and degrade. It would be remiss of me not to admit right now that I have watched way too much porn in my lifetime; this article by Pulitzer Prize-winner Chris Hedges is worth a look when considering one’s feelings about pornography. But back to the issue at hand. Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. Now, he might say that I am the one with the filthy mind- and he’d be right; my mind can be as filthy as anyone’s. He might say that he was actually impersonating a gardener watering his flowers with some kind of garden hose that attaches to one’s groin and is operated using some kind of back-and-forth motion with one’s fingers. But I know what he was doing, as he mock-ejaculated his seed all over something. Or someone. The rule should be simple: you behave like a thug, or a rapist, or simply an idiot, you face the consequences. Sometimes that might be prosecution, or banishment from the game, or suspension. And sometimes, there should be another consequence that is often just as effective: you get called out for for your actions, in public. Unfortunately, punitive measures never solve the core problem. By the time Brett Stewart mimicked what he did on Monday evening, his conditioning had been solidified for decades. We won’t change Brett Stewart. But I’m glad he did what he did: it gives the rest of us a chance to renew a neglected conversation about how we as men view our place in the world, especially in relation to women. Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. What are the rest of us going to do about it?

I hope i put the fear of god into the author 🙂
On the 20th May 2015 Peter Fitzsimmons acted like a petulant child with an axe to grind. His article proved that when someone is wrongfully accused, no matter that they are found not guilty, they are still viewed with terrible suspicion and still perceived as guilty. Some fans and journalists have ignored his article and have been afraid to face the truth, but I have no such qualms. This is the same journalist who had Brett hung drawn and quartered before his day in court and yet still has never apologised for his terrible misinformed article when Brett was found not guilty. And whilst Peter Fitzsimmons I believe has completely misinterpreted Bretts post try celebration (hard to believe he may be drumming up controversy!) since when does masturbation equal rape? This absurd notion shows what a fear mongerer he is. Stick to your larrikin anecdotes Peter, whilst rubbish and a poor attempt at humour they are at least not hurting innocent people.

This is the email I sent to the smh
Im absolutely dumbfounded about what can get written.....have a read of this. Disgusting!!

Brett Stewart’s Post-Try Celebration Should Raise Questions
In OverView on May 20, 2015 at 7:58 am
On the 29th of September, 2010, Brett Stewart was found, by a jury of his peers, not guilty of sexual assault. Stewart and his supporters probably hoped that the message from the decision would be clear and unequivocal: Brett Stewart is not a rapist. On the 18th of May, 2015, Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. Yes, for those who are inured to the disgusting, bestial behavior of some of our finest Rugby Le
ague players, I know I sound hysterical. Yet show video of his post-try celebration against Penrith on Monday night to most women and I strongly suspect it will discomfit them. Some might simply think it disgusting or “gross”; others will know it to be about something else entirely. First of all, let’s try to concretize exactly what Stewart did. I don’t think this will take too long. It’s hard to find anything about it in the corporate media; maybe their delicate sensibilities preclude them from being too explicit. I don’t have those qualms. As far as I can tell, Brett Stewart scored a try, got up and proceeded to mime the act of masturbation and ejaculating on something. Or someone. I explored the internet the day following the Manly-Penrith game to find any response to Stewart’s behavior and found nothing substantive. On the night, the only thing stated was something from Warren Smith about not being “sure” what the “celebration” was all about. I think Warren Smith is absolutely sure, just as I’m assuming the vast majority of the media knew exactly what they were seeing on Monday night. They just chose not to deal with it, in the same fashion that they continue to avoid a real confrontation of the causes of sexism and off-field violence plaguing the game and its players. Many victims of gang rape report “celebrations” quite similar to those acted out by Brett Stewart. The porn industry has made hundreds of millions of dollars by creating and fostering fantasies featuring men using their penis as a way to to dominate and degrade. It would be remiss of me not to admit right now that I have watched way too much porn in my lifetime; this article by Pulitzer Prize-winner Chris Hedges is worth a look when considering one’s feelings about pornography. But back to the issue at hand. Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. Now, he might say that I am the one with the filthy mind- and he’d be right; my mind can be as filthy as anyone’s. He might say that he was actually impersonating a gardener watering his flowers with some kind of garden hose that attaches to one’s groin and is operated using some kind of back-and-forth motion with one’s fingers. But I know what he was doing, as he mock-ejaculated his seed all over something. Or someone. The rule should be simple: you behave like a thug, or a rapist, or simply an idiot, you face the consequences. Sometimes that might be prosecution, or banishment from the game, or suspension. And sometimes, there should be another consequence that is often just as effective: you get called out for for your actions, in public. Unfortunately, punitive measures never solve the core problem. By the time Brett Stewart mimicked what he did on Monday evening, his conditioning had been solidified for decades. We won’t change Brett Stewart. But I’m glad he did what he did: it gives the rest of us a chance to renew a neglected conversation about how we as men view our place in the world, especially in relation to women. Brett Stewart behaved like a rapist. What are the rest of us going to do about it?
Who wrote this filth?
The guy who wrote it looks like he is a post grad student with way too much time on his hands. I have now looked at the clip on the fox sports site and the worst you could say about the post try jig by Brett is that is may have been seen by some as inappropriate. It is hard to guess exactly what he was doing. If you have a fertile imagination you may see it as a self-gratification gesture. Or maybe not. It is not very clear. It is certainly not clear enough for FitzSimon's rather long bow as as for the other dill, his post is borderline defamatory.
He prepared what he was going to do and I agree. He would have known that it looks like masturbation. I love him as a player, but if you know that your record breaking try is coming up and you come up with that as a celebration. One must question his maturity.

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