Silvertails Site in danger

1) Dan reading my Java reply in it’s context you would easily be able to work out that what I was referring to is the on/off toggle setting in the Safari settings which is JavaScript---there are no other settings in Safari that refer to Java to have any confusion. (That was a piss weak response making something out of nothing to place yourself on a pedestal from an in haste typo mistake)

2) Switching off Java Script does make your site snappy and responsive, for someone like me who only reads the comments I don’t miss any extra features Java Script offers.

3) Iphone no longer “supported” doesn’t mean “no more security updates”, but I’m sure that time will come. (Latest security update 28/1/2020 iOS 12.4.5)

4) I don’t use my Iphone 6 for anything serious or to log in with----in reply to your “why am I using an Iphone 6 if I’m paranoid about security” comment. If I’m paranoid about security I run Linux(for banking as an example), Dan I still use Windows 10 for you so that should put a smile on your face and with time I might just re-enable ads.

5)I never said “your site is insecure” I said “my gut feeling is” based off the entire time I have visited this site over the years which means it is my opinion. (then proceeded to give you my reasons)

6) Password hacks, my past experience from way too many years ago that is not relevant now(but just to add weight to how I perceive this site), intrusive ads(still to this day on mobile devices that encourage accidental clicks), website being down more than any other site I frequent,(less so these days) I think you have also referred to hard drives going down a few times also-----all these issues can leave a lasting impression---perception is reality online and is enough to scare people.

7) To the person who commented on “blocking me” what has this got to do with the thread---good for you. This tells me is you lack the maturity and ability to filter for yourself who you enjoy reading and in need of a software filter to “tailor the experience” to your tastes.(not hard to just scroll down to the next comment----ohhh right you enjoy promoting your block list like it’s a cool thing to announce)

8) Never professed I know more than Dan, I was asked my reasoning and responded in kind. The way Dan went into overdrive protective mode with some pretty low replies from the outset (which just encouraged a group gang up feast fest) in some ways best illustrates the issues this site has had for years, even if it is less so now---well from my viewpoint I feel it has toned down.

9) I'm sure a Mod replied to my question years ago(within a thread) in relation to "are payment details given to the site", so i was not spreading false info, just going off what i was replied with at the time.(Look it up when you are not reading through google analytics to kill idle time--- yes i am kidding Dan---half kidding)

Hey TC

A couple of things (for what its worth)
Points 1 - 4 will leave that to the more qualified here (much like 5 which is your feeling more than anything else)
Re point 6 i would be interested in knowing what sites you are comparing up time to here?

Re Point 9 As a mod I have no idea how that works....for the tipping comp / premium membership our main job is to try drum up business / keep @BOZO from scaring off people
Whilst I don’t hide who I am one benefit of Silvertails is anonymity, although you could start a completely fake account on Facebook as well.

Whilst anonymity is part of it it’s great to meet other Silvertailers face to face, I know Dan has lots on but that is one thing that I think needs to be done regularly.
This is one of the "social media" sites where I would be more than happy to meet up with members. FB or twitter can go EAD in this regard.
Hey TC

A couple of things (for what its worth)
Points 1 - 4 will leave that to the more qualified here (much like 5 which is your feeling more than anything else)
Re point 6 i would be interested in knowing what sites you are comparing up time to here?

Re Point 9 As a mod I have no idea how that works....for the tipping comp / premium membership our main job is to try drum up business / keep @BOZO from scaring off people
Obviously all the "pron" sites, now that should remove 90% of the oncoming flood of replies to take the load off Dan's servers.

Ah damn now I've opened the door to a Dyslexia comeback reply.

Go check the tracking cookies to sites visited after leaving Silvertails------i'm kidding f*&k meeeee.

There is one general topic/tech/sports site which in some ways has a similar layout with way more users, i recall only minor down times over the past decade and more.(Located in Australia)

Oh now I've opened up a comeback for "so if you don't like it here just leave and take your Technical Tool profile with you"
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Hi Guys,

I apologise for the click bait, kind of.

I wanted to reach out to start a discussion on a few things here. Silvertails has seen a decline in members and page visits over the past year. Forums are starting to go out of flavour and we lose more and more people to Facebook. Whilst I understand the ease of using Facebook to have discussions, it really does not create the sense of community and good will that we have here.

Whilst I am happy to run Silvertails as long as I possibly can, it would be great to see it thrive like it used to. The way that I see this happening is using vehicles like Facebook to attract new members, there are thousands of people that love The Sea Eagles out there, and I would love to have them join our community and discuss the club that has given us all so much joy, heartache and frustrations over the year.

If you look at the bottom of this thread you will see social media icons, this is true of every thread, what these do is provide you the ability to share the post directly on those platforms, what I would ask is this:

If you see a post that is really good, that you enjoy discussing within, smash those social media share buttons and share the post with Facebook (particularly share that post inside the Facebook Supporter groups), share it with Twitter, share it wherever. Tell a friend, tell their friend. Lets work together to make this site great.

I am about to dedicate a good week or more of my time off from work to purely coding a whole lot of features, I was up until 2am last night working on them, in the background I am doing a lot of things trying to make the site great for all of us, and the small thing I ask is that you guys share posts and help drive people to the same joy we find from the site as well.

Thank you so much

I’m no social media influencer so I won’t be much of a help but agree there are so many people on Facebook who are fans who would love this site just one observation and please don’t take this personally. This year I didn’t sign up for premium membership or join the tipping comp. it’s the first time in a long time and was more of an accident/combination of moving buying a new house and forgetting my paypal password. Since the new advertising platform came on its almost a fifty fifty shot as to whether the screen is visible or reduced to about three lines of readable text (Not sure why this happens as the ads aren’t a hinderence the times it doesn’t) I’ve seen other posters badmouth the situation and be told the same thing “if you don’t like it pay your money and enjoy ad free” and I will be a part of the tipping Comp again this year, but it would be a bad first impression for those who are encouraged to come here from social media.
Example attached


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Hey TC

A couple of things (for what its worth)
Points 1 - 4 will leave that to the more qualified here (much like 5 which is your feeling more than anything else)
Re point 6 i would be interested in knowing what sites you are comparing up time to here?

Re Point 9 As a mod I have no idea how that works....for the tipping comp / premium membership our main job is to try drum up business / keep @BOZO from scaring off people
Hello feathered friend . I hope the new year has started well for you and your family .
I appreciate your point of view but I am not sure how Bozo is scaring off people when he is actually making an effort to encourage people . Can you please show me a post example of this scary stuff . Thank you and have a great day 🙂
Hello feathered friend . I hope the new year has started well for you and your family .
I appreciate your point of view but I am not sure how Bozo is scaring off people when he is actually making an effort to encourage people . Can you please show me a post example of this scary stuff . Thank you and have a great day 🙂
I think he was just having a laugh mate. We love how you get stuck into driving memberships. We’d be well down on memberships imo, without your continual lobbying.Keep it going.
I havnt been on in a while it has some great peaks and troughs, comers and goers. I generally take no interest in who posts what and i think that helps if you dont try to put a face to a avatar.

I have probably sparred with people i know and dont realise there online existence.

I work off an I phone 4 and an I pad 2 that i havnt had an IOS updatey thingo in about 5 years. Its cool i have options, but these are comfy and suit my needs. So every site platform is a pain in the arse for me . Do what you need to do Dan

Ive started sharing some stuff through face book as i use it

We have had the fan v supporter done to death, but it has many identities. i come here to talk footy and the true supporters that are fans on here make it difficult to discuss anything DCE. His brand management team do a wonderful job .

Ive also decided to make my ideas and occasional stories less accessible to the rehash merchants
I havnt been on in a while it has some great peaks and troughs, comers and goers. I generally take no interest in who posts what and i think that helps if you dont try to put a face to a avatar.

I have probably sparred with people i know and dont realise there online existence.

I work off an I phone 4 and an I pad 2 that i havnt had an IOS updatey thingo in about 5 years. Its cool i have options, but these are comfy and suit my needs. So every site platform is a pain in the arse for me . Do what you need to do Dan

Ive started sharing some stuff through face book as i use it

We have had the fan v supporter done to death, but it has many identities. i come here to talk footy and the true supporters that are fans on here make it difficult to discuss anything DCE. His brand management team do a wonderful job .

Ive also decided to make my ideas and occasional stories less accessible to the rehash merchants

IPhone 4, **** mate you are even worse than me!! I’m years later with a 6!!!!!


PS: **** paying $1500 for a phone , that’s getting ridiculous when Apple probably produce them for about $100
IPhone 4, **** mate you are even worse than me!! I’m years later with a 6!!!!!


PS: **** paying $1500 for a phone , that’s getting ridiculous when Apple probably produce them for about $100

My mrs upgraded and there is a 7 plus in the drawer. The 4 is small. I think Apple have deactivated sounds and vibrations, so it never rings, never beeps , no msg alerts, nothing. BEST phone ever. Its basicly a silent pager that i can make calls on.
Im still a home dad in a tech savvy house so there is stuff available but at this stage ita a big yeah .............nah

My friends hate me.

Son Jack has a 6 . It would break his heart if dino dad had betterr tech.
Hello feathered friend . I hope the new year has started well for you and your family .
I appreciate your point of view but I am not sure how Bozo is scaring off people when he is actually making an effort to encourage people . Can you please show me a post example of this scary stuff . Thank you and have a great day 🙂
Just a joke re some of your very passionate postings in years gone by....
Well for me - I love reading about what is happening and people's views but I would say as someone outside the clique that this site and the forums are very very cliquey and people like myself and others who might be new or not friends with people on here - your views or posts are generally ignored as the clique set about just responding to each other. Now I am sure I will receive smart a??? and disparaging comments for holding this view and again that is part of the reason for the decline - alternate views are ridiculed and sometimes with vitriol and so people give up and find alternate mediums to discuss Manly issues.
I've been a lurker/sometimes contributer here since about 05, and find the same thing. If your not in one of the cliques, your posts generally get ignored.. this isn't always the case, sometimes you get a conversation going, but usually not..

Then you have the certain members who don't like each other, so about 3 pages into a thread the bickering and sh!tshow arguing usually takes over...
Just a joke re some of your very passionate postings in years gone by....

Oh Ok ...
I am a bit slow to understand sometimes
But I some how I menage to catch up. better late than never 🙂

In my quest for self development I have learnt Passion can only be useful when we direct it in a positive and a most constructive way

To all of the passionate Silvertails members that are on here

We need you to fuel your passion .....

We need you all to transform all your Manly passion for our forum into contributing to keep it viable by subscribing to the Silvertails tipping comp

And off course fulfilling your passion for our Manly Sea eagles club by becoming club members

You can do it !

Do it today !!!

I've been a lurker/sometimes contributer here since about 05, and find the same thing. If your not in one of the cliques, your posts generally get ignored.. this isn't always the case, sometimes you get a conversation going, but usually not..

Then you have the certain members who don't like each other, so about 3 pages into a thread the bickering and sh!tshow arguing usually takes over...

You mean as posting a thread and no one ever says anything on it??

I can’t remember many of those over the years , although some don’t last long but that’s not surprising when the place is really busy.

I do get your comment on the bickering though, I have a couple on ignore that’s a much easier way of handling thing.

Stick with us buddy , everyone is important.
I've been a lurker/sometimes contributer here since about 05, and find the same thing. If your not in one of the cliques, your posts generally get ignored.. this isn't always the case, sometimes you get a conversation going, but usually not..

Then you have the certain members who don't like each other, so about 3 pages into a thread the bickering and sh!tshow arguing usually takes over...

"Then you have the certain members who don't like each other "

Lets put things in perspective here..........

How can we not really like each other on here when we have not even met each other ?

Every one on here is of different character and have different views just like our family members

We are all family here as well and you know what they say

You can choose your friends but not your family

So thats it feathered friends.... when we log on here we have logged on to our family forum

No need to keep grudges but we can all do something constructive and that is off course

Join our tipping comp and keep our forum viable

go to:
  • Sign up for the 2020 tipping comp upgrade
  • Once complete go to Tipping Competition
  • Click sign up next to the 2020 comp
  • Start entering you tips once i get the season loaded in there
Enjoy and thank you so much for your support.
I rarely post on here but I'm a premium member and am always part of the tipping competition. The dialogue and discussions on here are much better than Facebook, the only thing that annoys me on here is when posts veer completely off topic and degenerate into silliness. I come here for football discussion, that's it.
I rarely post on here but I'm a premium member and am always part of the tipping competition. The dialogue and discussions on here are much better than Facebook, the only thing that annoys me on here is when posts veer completely off topic and degenerate into silliness. I come here for football discussion, that's it.
Thank you for your valued and generous support and for being one of the reasons that this forum can be made possible !!!

I agree that we have much better Manly discussions on here than fb or any other source

As for posts and posters that you find irrelevant which we cannot escape in a non perfect world
A simple and care free approach to this is just to skip reading that post and simply scroll through to another .
A Very simple and affective method indeed !

Thanks once again for your loyalty to our great forum and I hope other Silveratils members can also do the right thing and follow suit
I've been a lurker/sometimes contributer here since about 05, and find the same thing. If your not in one of the cliques, your posts generally get ignored.. this isn't always the case, sometimes you get a conversation going, but usually not..

Then you have the certain members who don't like each other, so about 3 pages into a thread the bickering and sh!tshow arguing usually takes over...
lol lol court - agree. I have been very much a lurker on non contributor for those very reasons.
I rarely post on here but I'm a premium member and am always part of the tipping competition. The dialogue and discussions on here are much better than Facebook, the only thing that annoys me on here is when posts veer completely off topic and degenerate into silliness. I come here for football discussion, that's it.
lol lol court - agree. I have been very much a lurker on non contributor for those very reasons.

Hello @Shane4500 . I hope the 2020 season has got off to a great start for you and your family

Like all things in this non perfect world of ours there is no place to live in that does not have its flaws

But we always find a place that we always like to be in
A place like our Silvertails forum and its great to see you here once again

I hope that you can become one of the reasons that this place can be made available and viable for all of us

Have a great year and go the Manly Sea eagles !!!

go to:
  • Sign up for the 2020 tipping comp upgrade
  • Once complete go to Tipping Competition
  • Click sign up next to the 2020 comp
  • Start entering you tips once i get the season loaded in there
Enjoy and thank you so much for your support.
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