I thought this was a debate, even if you constantly deflect my questions and refuse to answer anything. If I was to have a case of berer or of anythingsimilar at lunchtime it would more than likley affect my decision making abilities, it may caiuse me to say or write something I may regret so I will pass on that offer, that is part of my professional life, things must be somewhat different in the halycon heights of the banking industry.
I have never met you (or at least not knowingly) so I don't know if I like you or not, I certainly don't agree with many of your views, but then again I don';t agree with some of what Byso writes, but I still like him, I have great respect for what Matebele writes yet I have argued with him vehemently on several issues, yet I have been most gracioulsy invited to spend time with him and share a beer, who knows I may even like the man. I even disgaree with my wife on many issues, but I still love her. For you to suggest that you don't like me without ever having met me is extremley narrow minded. I would never be so pretentious.
You constantly extoll the virtues of a good debate, yet in this instance when we are clearly representing differing views you are avoiding the topic at hand. If you are bored with the topic and don't want to continue the debate, that is up to you. Don't forget you where the one that challenged me to reply, I did and you now are claiming the topic is dead, I will let the topic go when you expalin where I slandered you and how you thought discussiing our clubs confidential business matters on a public forum where in fact indicative of your proffessionalism.
Fair enough on that. It is a little much that I say I don't like you from posting on an Internet site. That comment is withdrawn.
To answer your question again though Corso - and I will only do this one last time, as I feel we have exhausted the issue, and for everyone elses sakes of boredom:-
You mentioned that you would not Bank with a specific Bank because I cut and paste a Private Message that was sent to me (with threats in it, and also referring to others on this site in a derogatory way), as you thought that my ideals with Privacy may not be legitimate in my business life. I did mention some things about future dealings with the team, but that was deleted, as I realised the error of my way in that. To that end, I hope this comes off for the team, and would ask that you cease talking about it. All will come out in due coarse anyway Corso. I assure you that I have apologised to Sideline, and Vice Versa in regard to publicly stating his post on an open forum. To that end, all is over with. He has accepted my apology, and he seems like a decent person, who I plan to share a beer with, and debate my stance on The Sea Eagles.
Therefore, in summary, yes, I have apologised for putting a PM on a public forum, and it was detracted. So too, was any other potential business dealing, as I didn't want this jeapardised, because I would like nothing better than assisting the financial viability of my most passionate hobby - The Sea Eagles.
Corso Pete - you have noted I have been humble in response, and ask you to reflect on your responses (initial ones) to me, to review your initial stance that you have absolutely in no way been in the wrong.
That's all I ask.
Again apologies for saying I dislike you. That is very much not me, and was more out of frustration, as I obviously believe you had over stepped the boundary, whilst I had admitted that I had over stepped mine... :cop: