Prefer if the Sharks can stay viable for future times but do seem to have some major problems with their overall operation for some time now even taking into account their 2016 title [ and even that has some question marks now ] Recall some years ago when there was a lot attention given to their so called financial windfall of having an interest in some shopping development located at their home ground ensuring long term sustainability and the calibre of their board members and so on but the many welfare and culture issues at the club right now seems to suggest something different . Seem to have a core of dedicated home ground supporters but quite sure that i have noticed that their combined membership is not the best however . Have been in trouble in past eras with their viability and have still survived , better if they can continue in their current goegraphical location but will have to do some things better to ensure this .Always seem to have reasonably strong junior sides .Sided with Super League of course and all of their sus motives so will always mark them down for that .