Hi Stillman,
Hope you get good grades for your efforts and that the article helped?
Re membership promotion...(and no I’m not recruiting for a cult but I do happen to know a bit about this topic so happy to share…) the club had a change in that area just prior to the 2007 when Alan Webster and Lauren left the club to be replaced by Aaron Markie (Who was previously the web master) and a new lady called Grace Alder.
Both these people had to pick up the slack very quickly and work under enormous pressure whilst wearing a number of other \"hats\" at the same time.
I'm not employed by the club in any capacity but as a keen fan and getting to many games I have gotten to know them and other members of the \"back office\" staff and so perhaps get a better insight sometimes to the challenges they face.
Without doubt they are just as committed (if not more so!) in raising the profile of the club, boosting new memberships and doing what they can to support the existing member base.
From speaking to them, other members and from the posts I see from time to time they generally do an incredibly good job under the circumstances but unfortunately even when they are working long hours and sometimes 7 days a week during the season with limited budgets and minimal resources it may be deemed by some to be \"not enough\".
The fact of the matter is that our membership department – committed as they are - are not marketeers by trade - they fit this duty under any number of other jobs in an effort to reduce costs to the club (for example - Aaron who heads up that area is also responsible for the design and regular updating of the official web site and even does the \"live match updates\" at away games (amongst all manner of other things)
Simple answer of course - hire more people - BUT if there is not the funds to do it then the CEO can't justify it or afford it.
This is another reason why I understand the importance of the club receiving funding.
Being no stranger to debt myself and struggling to pay bills and meet other commitments I fully understand people when they quite rightly need to allocate their funds elsewhere BUT there will be people reading this that are quite happy to blow a few hundred on piss over the weekend, get takeaway lunches every day at work and then scream that the club should reduce membership fees or do away with them altogether so that they can post on an official site.
Amongst these people will be those who attended the \"Save Brookie\" Rally, fill these pages with hate mail when we can't afford to attract or keep players or be critical of the efforts of the club in general.
I nearly lost my team once and I don't want it to happen again.
This is my effort to educate and inform as best I can
Thanks for taking the time to read this